KiuFunza II (2015 – 2017)

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The KiuFunza II evaluation results were published in this article in the Economic Journal (2023):


Abstract: We use a nationally representative field experiment in Tanzania to compare two teacher performance pay systems in public primary schools: a ‘pay-for-percentile’ system (a rank-order tournament) and a ‘levels’ system that features multiple proficiency thresholds. Pay for percentile can potentially induce socially optimal effort among teachers, while levels systems can encourage teachers to focus on students near passing thresholds. Despite the theoretical advantage of the tournament system, we find that both systems improved student test scores across the distribution of initial learning levels after two years. However, the levels system is easier to implement and is more cost effective.


A shorter non-technical version of the results can be found in the KF II impact brief (World Bank). Evidence on the teacher attendance impact based on this experiment is documented in this RISE working paper. An in-depth description of teacher attitudes and how performance pay can lead to whole-school improvement is provided in the KF II qualitative study.