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Twaweza Annual Report 2023

Our annual report outlines twenty-four outcome statements that measure progress towards our strategic goals. These benchmarks guide our actions and highlight 2023 achievements, demonstrating our commitment to societal change. Read inspiring stories about how citizens in Uganda and Tanzania are building trust with their leaders. In Kenya, you will learn about a unique opportunity where we influenced the national agenda.

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Twaweza East Africa Strategy 2024-27

We are pleased to present Twaweza East Africa’s Strategy for 2024 to 2027. Our core vision remains unchanged: an open society built on the human impulse to make a difference, where information and ideas flow, all citizens engage, and authorities are accountable to the people. In such a society, citizen agency is enriched, government responsiveness is enhanced, and the relationship between citizens and their government is improved.

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Power to the people?

This brief presents data on citizens’ experience and opinions on devolution as it has been working in practice in Kenya. Do citizens have a good understanding of what the term “devolution” means? Do they feel like it is working? Specifically in the health sector, do they feel like devolution is doing a better job at managing health services than was the case before 2013?

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Free to Express?

This brief presents data on Ugandan citizens’ experiences and views on the media and freedom of expression. Which forms of media do citizens consume most, and which do they trust most? Do they trust information
provided by public officials?

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