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Clean and safe?

This brief presents data on citizens’ experience and opinions on water, sanitation and hygiene. Where do citizens access their drinking water from, and what challenges do they face in doing so? How long does it take to collect this water, and which member of the household is responsible for collection?

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Twaweza East Africa Strategy 2024-27

We are pleased to present Twaweza East Africa’s Strategy for 2024 to 2027. Our core vision remains unchanged: an open society built on the human impulse to make a difference, where information and ideas flow, all citizens engage, and authorities are accountable to the people. In such a society, citizen agency is enriched, government responsiveness is enhanced, and the relationship between citizens and their government is improved.

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Mpango wa Motisha kwa Walimu unaotekelezwa na Twaweza umesaidia zaidi ya wanafunzi 77,000 katika kuboresha umahiri wao kwenye stadi za Kusoma na Kuhesabu

Wiki hii, walimu kaka shule za msingi 265 kwenye mikoa 11 ya Tanzania wamepokea jumla ya shilingi milioni 401 kwenye akaun zao za benki ikiwa ni mosha kulingana na utendaji wao. Kiwango cha motisha wanayolipwa walimu kinategemea umahiri uliooneshwa na wanafunzi wao katika majaribio ya kusoma na kuhesabu yaliyofanyika mwishoni mwa mwaka wa masomo – 2023.

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