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Twaweza Annual Report 2023

Our annual report outlines twenty-four outcome statements that measure progress towards our strategic goals. These benchmarks guide our actions and highlight 2023 achievements, demonstrating our commitment to societal change. Read inspiring stories about how citizens in Uganda and Tanzania are building trust with their leaders. In Kenya, you will learn about a unique opportunity where we influenced the national agenda.

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Designing Effective Teacher Performance Pay Programs: Experimental Evidence from Tanzania | Manuscript

Pay for percentile can potentially induce socially optimal effort among teachers, while levels systems can encourage teachers to focus on students near passing thresholds. Despite the theoretical advantage of the tournament system, we find that both systems improved student test scores across the distribution of initial learning levels after two years.

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Annual Report 2022

This report showcases our commitment to citizen empowerment and efforts to create positive change through active engagement and collaboration with various stakeholders. It also highlights the significance of productive citizen-local government engagement, the demand for high-quality local journalism, and the influential role of Sauti za Wananchi in shaping public policy.

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