Kenyans’ perceptions of refugees
In all three countries; Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda the majority of citizens still have little or no interaction with refugees.
Read MoreIn all three countries; Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda the majority of citizens still have little or no interaction with refugees.
Read MoreIn all three countries; Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda the majority of citizens still have little or no interaction with refugees.
Read MoreWazazi wengi huzingatia zaidi viwango vya juu vya ufaulu wa shule husika (asilimia 72) na walimu wanaojituma (asilimia 72 pia) wakati wa kuchagua shule za sekondari kwa ajili ya watoto wao.
Read MoreVery few parents appear concerned with low school fees (6%) and distance to schools (18%) when choosing secondary schools. Instead, the majority of parents report being influenced by secondary school exam pass marks and teacher motivation (both at 72%).
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