Terms of Reference | Citizens and Local authority linkage through Water Quality Assessment
Twaweza seeks to contribute towards effective implementation of decentralization policies, while facilitating governments and citizens to interact closely and engage on issues of water quality thus making a contribution to the achievement of SDG 6. This will be enabled through a partnership of Twaweza with the district local government authorities and citizens to assess the status of access to clean and safe water services. The outcomes of the assessment will provide a basis and platform for dialogue between citizens and their authorities.
To execute this activity, Twaweza intends to engage services of a consultant to lead and provide technical expertise to conduct water quality test using simple portable testing kits. The successful candidate will collaborate with Twaweza staff to reviewing the activity plan, data collection tools, training of enumerators and supervise data collection and conduct some preliminary analysis applying latest approaches and techniques for generating credible evidence.
Objectives and scope
The purpose of this assignment is to assess water service provision in terms of access, storage practices and citizen’s awareness on clean and safe water usage. This assessment will be conducted in two districts including Pangani and (Mbogwe or Nyanghwale) districts. In the assessment districts, one village in each ward will be randomly be selected. In each sampled village, two water sources will be randomly sampled for water quality tests and a total of 20 households will be sampled and assessed for drinking water quality tests. To ensure village representation, four hamlets will be selected and in each sampled hamlet, 5 five households will be selected randomly. The role of the consultant will be to provide technical advice on water quality test component particularly the design of the survey, training, data collection, results and feedback documentation.
Required skills and qualifications of consultants
- At least three-year experience in conducting research on water and governance issues
- Strong social science research and analytical skills
- Excellent communication skills in English and Kiswahili languages: writing, reading, speaking and listening.
- Minimum Master’s level education. PhD in relevant fields is an added advantage
- Demonstrated knowledge and experience on relevant topics including water quality, governance, citizen participation, and community development among others
- Knowledgeable and respect for professional and research ethics
How to apply
Application for this consultant work must include the following;
1. Application letter expressing interest to undertake this statement and summarizing key qualifications (max two pages)
2. Abridged CV’s (resumes) of all key personnel in the application (maximum three pages each).
4. Two recent relevant writing samples.
Please submit all relevant materials to jobs@twaweza.org and cc rtemu@twaweza.org not later than 5:00PM, Wednesday – August 5th, 2020.
For more information read Term of reference.