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Power to the people?

This brief presents data on citizens’ experience and opinions on devolution as it has been working in practice in Kenya. Do citizens have a good understanding of what the term “devolution” means? Do they feel like it is working? Specifically in the health sector, do they feel like devolution is doing a better job at managing health services than was the case before 2013?

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3 out of 4 Kenyans say their income is insufficient to meet their needs

In terms of public participation in the bill, the majority of the respondents assert that the process was unsatisfactory (84%) and mainly designed to rubber-stamp rather than influence the bill. Overall, 44% said that the process was to inform the public on what had already been decided; 42% said they had never seen or heard any consultations about the proposed bill. Only 13% say the process was to allow citizens to be heard and influence items on the bill.

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State of the Nation

This brief presents data on citizens’ experiences and opinions on the state of Kenya at a point in time two months after the new administration took office. What do citizens see as the most serious problems facing the country and their own households? How many are suffering from food insecurity?

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