Exciting Updates from 8th Uganda Evaluation Week!

We are happy to share that Twaweza recently participated in the 8th Uganda Evaluation Week, held from 19 to 23 August 2024 at the Uganda Management Institute. There, we had the opportunity to present our latest research papers and contribute to the broader discourse in our field.
The evaluation week, organised by the Uganda Evaluation Association in partnership with the Office of the Prime Minister under the theme “Development with Purpose: Empowering Accountable Learning for Achieving Development Goals and Enhancing Climate Resilience,” brought together a diverse group of Civil Society Organizations, MDAs, and Academia for an intense exchange of ideas.
Twaweza East Africa was honoured to present three papers showcasing our recent findings and innovative approaches.
Highlights from our presentations:
- Powering Communities to Navigate Local Challenges and Build Climate Resilience: A Case of Participatory Action Research in Kole District. The topic explored the importance of a bottom-up approach and collaboration between government, citizens and development partners. Our presentation sparked curiosity among the participants and sparked lively discussions.
- Assessing the implementation of the Parish Development Model to foster socio-economic transformation and community participation. The topic briefly explored how PDM empowers communities to lead from the front. This session was well received, and we were pleased to engage with people who shared our enthusiasm.
- Exploring collaboration models between stakeholders to enhance monitoring and evaluation of climate resilience. The session demonstrated the value of incorporating localised knowledge (citizen-generated data) into climate resilience efforts by various stakeholders, with a conclusion. Climate resilience strategies must be aligned with the lived experiences and needs of affected communities.

The 8th Evaluation Week was more than just an opportunity to present our work; it was a chance to network, collaborate, and learn from others in the Evaluation Community, such as UNICEF, Twende Mbele, the Office of the Prime Minister, and the Uhuru Institute. The feedback and interactions we experienced inspired new ideas and reinforced our commitment to advancing knowledge and practice.
A key highlight was the message that Joseph Muvawala, Executive Director of the National Planning Authority, stated, “there is a need for a national research agenda to ensure efficient administrative data from MDAs. This will inform decision-making and drive development”.
Twaweza’s exhibition stall was also a significant attraction, highlighting its commitment to advancing the field and promoting best practices. Different stakeholders checked on the work that had recently been done in various aspects of community work.
Twaweza’s involvement in the Uganda Evaluation Week demonstrates our ongoing dedication to advancing evaluation and research in East Africa.