A fair slice?
An overwhelming majority of Kenyans (95%) think that the gap between rich and poor is too big, and a similar number feel it is the government’s job to reduce this gap (85%).
Read MoreAn overwhelming majority of Kenyans (95%) think that the gap between rich and poor is too big, and a similar number feel it is the government’s job to reduce this gap (85%).
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Read MoreWananchi wanaelewa nini kuhusu “ushiriki”, na kwa kiwango gani wanashiriki kwenye mikutano ya hadhara? Je, wananchi wanafikiri wanawezaje kutoa maoni na malalamiko yao kwa serikali?
Read MoreWananchi wanaelewa nini kuhusu demokrasia, katiba na uchochezi? Je, wanaona mabadiliko yoyote kwenye uhuru wa kujumuika na uhuru wa maoni katika miaka michache iliyopita?
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