
This is a large repository of publications, research papers, policy documents, reports, and a host of other useful information – authored by both internal and external contributors.

Twaweza Annual Plan 2025

We are excitedly looking forward to 2025 as we build momentum to contribute towards influencing systems of local governments (where citizens interact more directly with their government) so that those improved governmental systems can better serve the people.


Who’s engaged, who’s excluded?

This brief aims to shed light on Ugandan citizens’ opinions and experiences of citizen participation, including media consumption, social media and community meetings. What forms of media do citizens consume most, and how are these patterns shifting over time? How do they use the internet and social media? How many attend community meetings, and how many participate actively at such meetings?


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchienglishuganda2024
Twaweza East Africa Income and Expenditure for the Period from January to December 2023

This report is published pursuant to Section 13(a) of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) regulation of 2018 regarding funds obtained by Non-Governmental Organizations.
In the period January to December 2023, Twaweza received USD 2,784,349 from Sida, the Embassy of Switzerland, William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, Hempel Foundation, Ford Foundation, South African Institute of international Affairs (SAIIA) and Wellspring Philanthropic Fund for its Tanzania activities.


publications reportour-governanceenglishtanzania2024
Twaweza East Africa Income and Expenditure for the Period from January to June 2024

This report is published pursuant to Section 13(a) of the Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) regulation of 2018 regarding funds obtained by Non-Governmental Organizations.
In the period January to June 2024, Twaweza received USD 1,002,345 from William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, Hempel Foundation and Wellspring Philanthropic Fund for its Tanzania activities.


publications reportour-governanceenglishtanzania2024
Twaweza Audited Financial Statements 2023

Twaweza’s financial statements are subjected to independent audit each year. Once approved by the Board, these are disclosed to the public.


publications reportour-governanceenglishregional2024
#SautiZaWananchi At 10

Sauti za Wananchi empowers policymakers and the public with real-time, transparent data on citizens’ experiences, ensuring informed decisions that reflect the realities on the ground.


publications reportcitizen-voice sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishregional2024
A burning planet?

This brief sheds light on Ugandan citizens’ understanding and experiences of the climate crisis. What do they know about climate change and its root causes? How have they been affected by shifting weather patterns? Who bears the responsibility for addressing this crisis? What steps should individuals, communities, and the nation take to mitigate climate change’s effects?

Press Release: Download

Research Brief: Download

press-release publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchienglishuganda2024
Shifting to SHIF: Time for a health check

This brief presents data on citizens’ experience and opinions on health services and health insurance in Kenya before the SHIF is launched. What do citizens see as the main challenges facing the health sector? What form of health insurance – if any – do they currently have, and what are their views about the quality of these services?

Press Release: Download

Research Brief: Download

press-release publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchienglishkenya2024
Delivering quality education? 10 insights from public primary schools in Tanzania

This report provides insights from the 2023 KiuFunza 4 Baseline Survey, which took place in March 2023. The survey randomly selected 125 out of all KiuFunza program schools and added 60 randomly selected control schools, from the same regions and districts.


publications research-briefkiufunzaenglishtanzania2024
Twaweza Annual Report 2023

Our annual report outlines twenty-four outcome statements that measure progress towards our strategic goals. These benchmarks guide our actions and highlight 2023 achievements, demonstrating our commitment to societal change. Read inspiring stories about how citizens in Uganda and Tanzania are building trust with their leaders. In Kenya, you will learn about a unique opportunity where we influenced the national agenda.


publications reportlearning-and-strategyenglishregional2024
Three out of ten households in Kenya access their drinking water from unsafe sources

Nationally, four out of 10 households (41%) access their drinking water from a piped supply, and a further three out of ten households (28%) have access to another form of “improved” water supply, such as a borehole or protected well or spring. Three out of ten (31%) access drinking water from either a surface source such as a river or lake (20%) or another type of “unimproved” source (11%).


press-release publicationssauti-za-wananchienglishkenya2024
Water, sanitation and hygiene in Laikipia County

This brief explores water, sanitation and hygiene in Laikipia county from the perspective of county residents, making comparisons to the rest of Kenya. The data comes from Twaweza’s Sauti za Wananchi survey, a nationally-representative, high-frequency mobile phone panel survey of public opinion and citizens’ experiences.


factsheet publicationssauti-za-wananchienglishkenya2024
Clean and safe?

This brief presents data on citizens’ experience and opinions on water, sanitation and hygiene. Where do citizens access their drinking water from, and what challenges do they face in doing so? How long does it take to collect this water, and which member of the household is responsible for collection?


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchienglishkenya2024
Twaweza East Africa Strategy 2024-27

We are pleased to present Twaweza East Africa’s Strategy for 2024 to 2027. Our core vision remains unchanged: an open society built on the human impulse to make a difference, where information and ideas flow, all citizens engage, and authorities are accountable to the people. In such a society, citizen agency is enriched, government responsiveness is enhanced, and the relationship between citizens and their government is improved.


Mpango wa Motisha kwa Walimu unaotekelezwa na Twaweza umesaidia zaidi ya wanafunzi 77,000 katika kuboresha umahiri wao kwenye stadi za Kusoma na Kuhesabu

Wiki hii, walimu kaka shule za msingi 265 kwenye mikoa 11 ya Tanzania wamepokea jumla ya shilingi milioni 401 kwenye akaun zao za benki ikiwa ni mosha kulingana na utendaji wao. Kiwango cha motisha wanayolipwa walimu kinategemea umahiri uliooneshwa na wanafunzi wao katika majaribio ya kusoma na kuhesabu yaliyofanyika mwishoni mwa mwaka wa masomo – 2023.


press-release publicationskiufunzakiswahilitanzania2024
Twaweza teacher incenve program helps over 77,000 pupils to improve basic reading and math

This week teachers in 265 primary schools in 11 regions of Tanzania will receive a total of TZS 401 million in their bank accounts as a performance bonus, based on the reading and numeracy skills of their early grade students at the end of the 2023 school year.


press-release publicationskiufunzaenglishtanzania2024
Sauti za Waandishi

Muhtasari huu unawasilisha takwimu kuhusu uzoefu na maoni ya waandishi wa habari wa Tanzania. Maoni haya yalikusanywa kutoka kwa waandishi wa habari, wahariri na wanablogu 1,202.


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchitanzania2024
Half of Tanzanian journalists have been threatened or harassed while working

Half (50%) of journalists in Tanzania report that they have been threatened, harassed or assaulted at some time. Two out of ten (22%) have been arrested or detained by the authorities, and similar numbers have experienced sexual harassment or abuse (20%) or have had equipment or materials seized from them (20%).


press-release publicationssauti-za-wananchienglishtanzania2024
Sauti za Waandishi: Journalists’ voices

This brief presents findings from a survey of 1,202 practising journalists, editors and bloggers in Tanzania. Interviews were conducted by telephone between September 23 and November 7, 2023.


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchienglishtanzania2024
Nusu ya waandishi wa habari nchini Tanzania wameripoti kutishwa au kunyanyaswa wakiwa kazini

Nusu (50%) ya waandishi wa habari nchini Tanzania wameripoti kukumbana na vitisho, manyanyaso, mateso au kushambuliwa katika kazi zao. Wawili kati ya kumi (22%) wamekamatwa au kuzuiliwa na mamlaka, na idadi sawa na hiyo wamekumbana na unyanyasaji wa kijinsia (20%) au kunyang’anywa vifaa vyao vya kazi (20%).


press-release publicationssauti-za-wananchikiswahilitanzania2024
3 out of 4 Kenyans (75%) agree that devolution has led to better services

The majority of Kenyans agree that devolution has brought a number of positive changes: 3 out of 4 Kenyans (75%) say that devolution has led to an improvement in services and 6 out of 10 (58%) report seeing positive economic developments in their county.


press-release publicationssauti-za-wananchi
Power to the people?

This brief presents data on citizens’ experience and opinions on devolution as it has been working in practice in Kenya. Do citizens have a good understanding of what the term “devolution” means? Do they feel like it is working? Specifically in the health sector, do they feel like devolution is doing a better job at managing health services than was the case before 2013?


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchienglishkenya2023
Across the country, 6 out of 10 Ugandans say access to water is a serious problem

Across Uganda, 6 out of 10 citizens (63%) name access to water as a serious problem affecting their communities including 4 out of 10 who say it is the most serious problem (39%). However, there are significant disparities between Ugandans’ views on this issue.


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchienglishuganda2023
Turning on the taps?

This brief presents data on Ugandan citizens’ experiences and opinions on water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH). How serious of a challenge is access to water for different groups in society?


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchienglishuganda2023
Rainwater harvesting

This factsheet explores the issue of water supplies, with a particular focus on rainwater harvesting, in the experience of Ugandan citizens.


factsheet publicationssauti-za-wananchienglishuganda2023
Free to Express?

This brief presents data on Ugandan citizens’ experiences and views on the media and freedom of expression. Which forms of media do citizens consume most, and which do they trust most? Do they trust information
provided by public officials?


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchienglishuganda2023
1 out of 8 households had a medical emergency in the past 6 months

Ugandans report waiting for an average of 43 minutes to be seen. But there is significant variation: two out of ten citizens (20%) were attended to within five minutes of arrival, and a further two out of ten (20%) were seen within 20 minutes.


press-release publicationsenglishuganda2023
Responding to emergencies

This brief presents data on Ugandan citizens’ experiences and opinions on emergency situations and emergency medical services. Where do citizens turn first for help when they experience an emergency situation?


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchienglishuganda2023
Citizens and local leaders in Rubanda are working together to make change happen

9 out of 10 Rubanda residents (93%) belong to a community group including high membership to savings and loans associations (55%), community development committees (41%) and stretcher groups (36%)


press-release publicationsenglishuganda2023
Designing Effective Teacher Performance Pay Programs: Experimental Evidence from Tanzania | Manuscript

Pay for percentile can potentially induce socially optimal effort among teachers, while levels systems can encourage teachers to focus on students near passing thresholds. Despite the theoretical advantage of the tournament system, we find that both systems improved student test scores across the distribution of initial learning levels after two years.


publications reportlearning-and-strategyenglishtanzania2023
Annual Report 2022

This report showcases our commitment to citizen empowerment and efforts to create positive change through active engagement and collaboration with various stakeholders. It also highlights the significance of productive citizen-local government engagement, the demand for high-quality local journalism, and the influential role of Sauti za Wananchi in shaping public policy.


publications reportlearning-and-strategyenglishregional2023
Priorities and poverty

This data packet presents citizens’ priorities and their experiences and opinions on poverty. The data come from Twaweza’s Sauti za Wananchi survey, a nationally-representative, high-frequency mobile phone panel survey of public opinion and citizens’ experiences.


factsheet publicationssauti-za-wananchienglishuganda2023
On budget day, Sauti za Wananchi shows that most citizens are deeply concerned about the cost of living

At household level the picture is similar with the top three problems named by citizens as the cost of living (62%), unemployment (45%) and hunger or drought (42%). Health services (29%), the quality of education (13%), and poverty (11%) also feature at the top of the list of problems citizens are facing in their households.


press-release publicationssauti-za-wananchienglish2023
Twaweza Audited Financial Statements 2022

Twaweza’s financial statements are subjected to independent audit each year. Once approved by the Board, these are disclosed to the public. Check out what our audited financial statements reveal about our management.


publications reportour-governanceenglishregional2023
Citizens and local leaders in Kyenjojo are working together to make change happen

Citizens are slightly more likely to engage with village leaders than MPs or ward officials. However, 72% of Kyenjojo residents have not contacted their local government councilors even when they live in the same communities and 82% have never contacted their MP or her office.


press-release publicationsvoice-and-participationenglishuganda2023
3 out of 4 Kenyans say their income is insufficient to meet their needs

In terms of public participation in the bill, the majority of the respondents assert that the process was unsatisfactory (84%) and mainly designed to rubber-stamp rather than influence the bill. Overall, 44% said that the process was to inform the public on what had already been decided; 42% said they had never seen or heard any consultations about the proposed bill. Only 13% say the process was to allow citizens to be heard and influence items on the bill.


press-release publicationssauti-za-wananchienglishkenya2023
Citizens’ views on the #FinanceBill2023

This presentation focuses on citizens’ views and opinions regarding the Finance Bill 2023. How was the public participation process surrounding the bill? Are they satisfied with the process? Do they support the Bill?


presentations publicationssauti-za-wananchienglishkenya2023
State of the Nation

This brief presents data on citizens’ experiences and opinions on the state of Kenya at a point in time two months after the new administration took office. What do citizens see as the most serious problems facing the country and their own households? How many are suffering from food insecurity?


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchienglishkenya2023
Open for business?

This brief presents data on citizens’ experiences and opinions on business in Kenya. How many citizens own businesses, and what types of businesses are these? For those who no longer own a business, why did it close? What are the main challenges faced by business owners?


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchienglishkenya2023
Twaweza in the media: Monitoring Brief

Media monitoring is our way of capturing the tone of national and sub-national media to gather insights and citations of the engagements resulting from our initiatives and activities.


monitoring-brief publicationslearning-and-strategyenglishregional
Assessing the effectiveness of the “Market Women’s Agenda” Initiative

This brief presents the findings of a follow-up survey with some randomly selected “champion women” and market traders who were reached during the agenda endorsement process (whom we identify here as “market traders”). What progress has been made since the intervention?


monitoring-brief publicationslearning-and-strategyenglishtanzania2023
#MbungeLive: Monitoring Brief

This brief presents findings from a survey of citizens’ knowledge and attitude towards their MP before and after watching the documentary. How did the experience alter citizens’ understanding of their MP’s actions or attitude towards the MP’s performance?


monitoring-brief publicationslearning-and-strategyenglishtanzania2023
World Press Freedom Day 2023

This data packet presents the experiences and opinions of East African citizens on freedom of expression and the media. The data come from two sources: i) Twaweza’s Sauti za Wananchi survey, a nationally representative, high-frequency mobile phone panel survey of public opinion and citizens’ experiences; and ii) The Afrobarometer surveys of public opinion across the continent.


factsheet publicationsenglishregional2023
Half of Kenyans (48%) are dissatisfied with the country’s current direction on curriculum reform

The most significant challenge of the competency-based curriculum, according to three out of four citizens (74%), is the cost.


press-release publicationssauti-za-wananchienglishkenya2023
What we teach our children

This brief presents data on citizens’ experiences and opinions on the competency-based curriculum (CBC). Data for the brief come from a special round of Twaweza’s Sauti za Wananchi mobile-phone panel survey.


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchienglishkenya2023
Twaweza Annual Plan 2023

The year 2023 marks the final year of our current third strategy. In 2022 we managed to intensify the pace of our work for deeper engagement and impact and restrategize for the remaining period. For the most part, in 2023 we are building on and intensifying activities that we worked on in 2022. Have a look at our planned activities for 2023.


The heat in on

This brief presents data on Ugandan citizens’ experiences and views on the climate crisis. To what extent do they understand climate change and its causes. What changes in weather patterns have they observed in the past decade, what effect has this had on their lives and how are they coping with these effects?


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchienglishuganda2022
Money, money, money

This brief presents data on Ugandan citizens’ experiences and views on matters of business and taxation.

Research Brief

Press Release

Round 1 dataset (STATA)

Round 1 datamap (Excel)

Round 2 dataset (STATA)

Round 2 datamap (Excel) 

publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchienglishuganda2022
On the move?

This brief presents data on young Ugandans’ experiences and views on business matters.


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchienglishuganda2022
State of the nation 2022 | Dataset (STATA)

Sauti za Wananchi dataset (STATA) on the state of the nation, special surveys round 7, Jun-Jul 2022 and r6 2021; Base: all respondents, n=3,000


State of the nation 2022 | Questionnaire

Sauti za Wananchi questionnaire on the state of the nation 2022. Base: all respondents, n=3,000


data-resource publicationssauti-za-wananchienglish kiswahilitanzania2022
State of the nation 2022 | Dataset (Excel)

Sauti za Wananchi dataset on the state of the nation, special surveys round 7, Jun-Jul 2022 and r6 2021; Base: all respondents, n=3,000


State of the nation 2022 | Datamap

Sauti za Wananchi datamap on the state of the nation, special surveys round 7, Jun-Jul 2022 and r6 2021; Base: all respondents, n=3,000


Citizens cite the economy as the biggest worry facing their households

The top three problems listed by citizens as the main problems facing their households are all economic concerns. Top of mind are rising prices and the cost of living (48%). Just under a third point to a lack of jobs and other income opportunities (29%), and a substantial number cite hunger and food shortages (26%).


press-release publicationssauti-za-wananchienglishtanzania2022
Wananchi wanataja uchumi kuwa ni tatizo kubwa zaidi linalosumbua kaya zao

Matatizo makubwa matatu yaliyotajwa kuwasumbua zaidi wananchi kwenye kaya zao yote ni matatizo ya kiuchumi. Kati ya hayo, tatizo kubwa zaidi ni kupanda kwa bei za bidhaa na gharama za maisha (48%).


press-release publicationssauti-za-wananchikiswahilitanzania2022
State of the nation 2022

This brief presents data on Tanzanian citizens’ experiences and opinions on the state of the nation. It includes a specific focus on citizens’ views and experiences of the mobile money transaction levy


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchikiswahilitanzania2022
Uchumi na Tozo

Muhtasari huu unawasilisha takwimu kuhusu uzoefu na maoni ya wananchi wa Tanzania kuhusu hali ya taifa kati ya Oktoba 2021 na Julai 2022. Pia utafiti umejumuisha maoni na uzoefu wa wananchi kuhusu tozo za miamala ya fedha kwa njia ya simu.


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchikiswahilitanzania2022
On the eve of the elections, Kenyans are ready to vote!

As the general elections approach, Kenyans in Nairobi, Mombasa, Kisumu, Nakuru, Uasin Gishu (Eldoret) and in six counties of the arid or semi-arid lands in the north and east know major details about the elections and they say they are registered and plan to vote.


press-release publicationssauti-za-wananchienglishkenya2022
Heading for the polls

This brief presents data on citizens’ experiences and opinions on preparations for the election. Are citizens aware of key details of the election? Are they registered to vote and do they intend to vote?


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchienglishkenya2022
Twaweza Annual Report 2021

Learn about our 2021 work and the outcomes of our activities. In this report, you will read stories on the implementation of the key mission areas and how we have contributed to amplifying citizen voices and making governments more responsive in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda.


publications reportenglishregional2022
The cost of living crisis

This brief reports how Ugandans face a growing livelihood crisis as prices for food and basic commodities rise sharply between April 2021 and April 2022.


factsheet publicationssauti-za-wananchienglishuganda2022
Ugandans face rapidly rising prices for essential goods

In October 2021, 24% of wealthier households and 55% of poorer households went without eating for a day, 37% of wealthier households and 66% of poorer households ran out of food in the household while 38% of wealthier households and 73% of poorer households had members who had to skip meals.


press-release publicationssauti-za-wananchienglishuganda2022
Voices of the people Introducing the second Sauti za Wananchi panel

This brief introduces the new Sauti za Wananchi panel. Who are the respondents? Do they reflect the country’s diversity in terms of sex, age and geography? Do they have access to mobile phones and network coverage? How are phones used?

Download Brief

Download Dataset (STATA)

Download Datamap

publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchienglishuganda2022
#DemokrasiaYetu: Making politics fit for the future

Twaweza and other stakeholders were invited by the President’s #Democracy Task Force to submit ideas for concrete, achievable steps to kick start the process of political reform in Tanzania: to rebuild trust, fairness and engagement in our democracy. Read this analysis to learn more about our suggestions.


analysis publicationsenglishtanzania2022
Twaweza Audited Financial Statements 2021

At Twaweza, we seek to practice what we preach and foster a culture of deep transparency. That is why our financial statements are subjected to independent audits each year. Check out what our audited financial statements reveal about our management.


publications reportenglishregional2022
KiuFunza Insights: Voices of Pupils and Teachers

A minority of students (about 20%) are satisfied with only completing primary school. About 40% of girls and boys would like to complete secondary school, and about one in three students would like to complete university.


publications research-briefkiufunzaenglishtanzania2022
KiuFunza Teacher Performance Pay

In these pilots, teachers are paid according to how much their students have learned: the more children in their class master basic skills (according to an independent test), the higher the performance bonus.


publications research-briefkiufunzaenglishtanzania2022
Sauti za Walimu na Wanafunzi: Muhtasari wa utafiti wa KiuFunza

Wanafunzi wachache (karibu asilimia 20) wanaridhika na kuhitimu elimu ya msingi pekee.Takriban asilimia 40 ya wasichana na wavulana wangependa kuhitimu elimu ya sekondari, na karibu mwanafunzi mmoja kati ya watatu angependa kumaliza chuo kikuu.


publications research-briefkiufunzakiswahilitanzania2022
KiuFunza: Malipo ya walimu kulingana na utendaji

Mfumo wa KiuFunza unawalenga walimu wa Darasa la I, II na III, kwa sababu walimu hawa ndio wenye wajibu wa kufundisha KKK na wana madarasa yenye wanafunzi wengi zaidi.


publications research-briefkiufunzakiswahilitanzania2022
Teacher incentive program helps over 26,000 pupils to improve in Kiswahili and Mathematics

KiuFunza is an intervention in which bonus payments to teachers based on student learning have been systematically tested since 2013 in order to inform government policy. KiuFunza has had three phases so far, each time incorporating new elements to develop the most cost effective, impactful intervention possible.


press-release publicationskiufunzaenglishtanzania2022
Mpango wa motisha kwa walimu umesaidia wanafunzi zaidi ya 26,000 kuboresha ujuzi wa Kiswahili na Hesabu

KiuFunza ni mpango unaotoa bakshishi kwa walimu kulingana na matokeo ya ujifunzaji wa wanafunzi wao. Mpango huu umefanyiwa majaribio makini tangu mwaka 2013 ili kuzitaarifu sera za serikali. KiuFunza imepitia awamu tatu hadi sasa, kila awamu imekuwa ikibuni vipengele vipya ili kuboresha utekelezaji wake na matokeo yanayopatikana.


press-release publicationskiufunzakiswahilitanzania2022
Press Freedom in East Africa: Citizens’ perspective

Overall support for media freedom in East Africa has risen and fallen over recent years.


factsheet publicationsadvocacy-and-engagementenglishregional2022

This data packet presents citizens’ experiences and opinions on gender issues in Uganda.


factsheet publicationssauti-za-wananchienglishuganda2022
On International Women’s Day, Sauti za Wananchi data show that women face multiple challenges that inhibit their opportunities

Half of the citizens reported that in their communities, physical violence (51%), emotional violence (51%) and sexual violence or assault (46%) got worse during the Covid-19 outbreak.


press-release publicationssauti-za-wananchienglishuganda2022
Half of Makueni residents have a male friend who commits physical violence against their female partner

Half of Makueni residents (47%) say they have a male friend who commits physical violence against their female spouse or partner. Among them, half (24% of citizens) have challenged this behaviour, one out of four (10% of citizens) have not challenged the behaviour but expressed willingness to do so while the rest (12%) are not willing to question their friends.


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchienglishkenya2022
Gender attitudes and norms

This report presents data on Makueni residents’ attitudes and practices on gender and related matters. Who generally takes which decisions, and who takes on which roles and responsibilities within the home?


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchienglishkenya2022
Voter registration, intention to vote is markedly lower than during the same period in 2017

Seven out of ten Kenyans (71%) say they are likely to vote in the upcoming elections while one out of 10 are not sure (11%) and the remaining two out of ten (18%) are not registered or do not intend to vote.


press-release publicationssauti-za-wananchienglishkenya2022
Election choices

This brief explores questions around electoral choices among Kenyan citizens. What do citizens see as important
when choosing who to vote for? And what issues do they think should be prioritised?


factsheet publicationssauti-za-wananchienglishkenya2022
Ready to vote?

This brief presents data on citizens’ experience and opinions on preparations for the August 2022 election.


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchienglishkenya2022
Wananchi na Viongozi Wilayani Maswa wanashirikiana kuleta mabadiliko

Kwa kutumia mbinu inayojulikana kama uraghbishi, Twaweza na KASODEFO zilifanya kazi ya kuwabaini na kutoa mafunzo kwa mawakala wa mabadiliko ya jamii, kufanya utafiti shirikishi na makundi mbalimbali ndani ya jamii, kuandaa na kutekeleza mipangokazi ya pamoja kuyashughulikia masuala yaliyoibuliwa.


press-release publicationskiswahilitanzania2022
Artists call for fair distribution of royalties according to the law

The Creative Industry Network Tanzania (CINT), in partnership with Twaweza, is calling for the government and COSOTA to review their approach to the distribution of royalties to artists.


Wasanii wataka mgao wa mirabaha uwe wa haki na kwa mujibu wa sheria

Mtandao wa Sekta ya Ubunifu Tanzania Ujulikanao kama “The Creative Industry Network Tanzania(CINT), kwa kushirikiana na Twaweza, wanatoa wito kwa serikali na Chama cha Hakimiliki Tanzania (COSOTA kuangalia upya utaratibu wao wa kugawa mirabaha kwa wasanii.


press-release publicationskiswahilitanzania2022
Wananchi na viongozi wa kijamii huko Pangani wanafanya kazi pamoja kuleta mabadiliko

Twaweza inafanya kazi na Pangani Coast Paralegal (PACOPA), mamlaka ya serikali za mitaa na wakazi wa Pangani kuboresha ushirikiano kati ya wananchi na mamlaka mbalimbali ili kwa pamoja waweze kuboresha huduma, kuimarisha uwezo wa serikali za mitaa na kuboresha ushiriki wa wananchi.


press-release publicationskiswahilitanzania2022
Twaweza Annual Plan 2022

Check out our 2022 annual plan!

Collectively our three strategic mission areas aim to address two connected problems: a) limited citizen agency and b) deteriorating basic conditions for meaningful citizen participation, including the freedoms of expression, association and assembly.


7 out of 10 citizens say doing business in Kenya is difficult

7 out of 10 citizens say doing business in Kenya is difficult. Also, citizens see economic issues as the largest challenges facing their area and the country.


press-release publicationsenglishkenya2021
Being in business

A strong business environment is one of the keys to a thriving economy. This brief presents data on citizens’ experiences and opinions on matters relating to owning and running a business in Kenya.


publications research-briefenglishkenya2021
Taxing matters

Taxes play a vital role in national development. They pay for the public services that we all benefit from, including schools, hospitals, police and infrastructure. This brief presents data on Kenyan citizens’ knowledge, attitudes and practices on matters relating to taxation.


publications research-briefenglishkenya2021
The state of Kenya

This brief presents data on citizens’ knowledge, attitudes and practices on matters relating to the state of the country.


publications research-briefenglishkenya2021
What’s going on in our schools?

Citizens have no expectation that the education system will actually teach children the skills it is supposed to.



publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2014
Women and health

This factsheet presents the views and behaviours of Ugandan citizens in the health sector, with a particular focus on women’s experiences


factsheet publicationsenglishuganda2021
Seeking treatment

This factsheet presents the views and behaviour of Ugandan citizens dealing with health problems.


factsheet publicationsenglishuganda2021
Taking action against the Coronavirus

This factsheet presents the experiences of residents of Kampala, Kyotera, Tororo in response to Covid-19, including actions taken to prevent transmission of the virus.


factsheet publicationsenglishuganda2021
Mental wellbeing in a crisis

This factsheet presents the experiences of Ugandan citizens and Kampala residents on various forms of stress during Covid-19.


factsheet publicationsenglishuganda2021
Annual Report 2020

Highlights from our work in 2020 – challenges, failures, successes and insights


publications reportenglishregional2021
Vaccine willingness?

This factsheet presents Kampala residents’ views on vaccinations against Covid-19.


factsheet publicationsenglishuganda2021
Vaccine willingness in Tororo district?

This factsheet presents Tororo residents’ views on vaccinations against Covid-19


factsheet publicationssauti-za-wananchienglishuganda2021
Trust in herbal remedies

This factsheet presents Kampala residents’ experiences and opinions on the use of herbal remedies to combat Covid-19.


factsheet publicationsenglishuganda2021
Amendment of the Statistics Act (2015)

It is worth noting that elements of the amended act remain open to competing perspectives, depending on one’s vantage point. As one among several interested parties to this discussion, this is our take


position-paper publicationsenglishtanzania2019
Analysis of the Political Parties (Amendment) Act, 2018

We are deeply concerned by the unnecessary criminalization of the basic duties and responsibilities of political parties and other actors, combined with excessively punitive measures without provisions for due process in the Act.


position-paper publicationsenglishtanzania2019
Brief Analysis of Media Services Bill 2016

This short paper analyses the Media Service Bill, as published in September 2016, with the objective of putting forward recommendations for how the bill can be improved.


position-paper publicationsenglishtanzania2016
Views on the Electronic and Postal Communications (Online Content) Regulations, 2017

Submission of collected views on the Electronic and Postal Communications (Online Content) Regulations, 2017 by the Coalition on the Right to Information


position-paper publicationsenglishtanzania2017
Twaweza Audited Financial Statements 2020

Twaweza’s financial statements are subjected to independent audit each year. Once approved by the Board, these are disclosed to the public.


report publicationsenglishregional2021
The Written Laws Miscellaneous Amendments (No. 8) Act, 2019 | Analysis

Amendments to fourteen different laws are proposed. Of these, brief checks confirm that eleven are not as
such, directly relevant to Twaweza’s work, and therefore are not included in the analysis in this note.


position-paper publicationsenglishtanzania2020
Vaccine willingness in Kyotera district?

This factsheet presents Kyotera residents’ views on vaccinations against Covid-19.


publications research-briefenglishuganda2021
Access to Information Guide

The Ministry of ICT and National Guidance, Africa Freedom of Information Centre (AFIC) and Twaweza have come together to produce and launch access to information guide for civil servants to enable them to meet their legal obligations under the Access to Information Act


booklet publicationssauti-za-wananchienglishuganda2021
World Press Freedom Day 2021

This data packet presents citizens’ experiences and opinions on the media in Uganda.



factsheet publicationssauti-za-wananchienglishuganda2021
How is Corona reshaping Ugandan society?

This brief presents data on Ugandan citizens’ experiences and views on the social impacts of the pandemic.


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchienglishuganda2021
Covid-19 in vulnerable districts

This brief focussed on key points of entry – Kampala, the destination for most air travellers, and Tororo and Kyotera districts, on the borders of Kenya and Tanzania respectively.


publications research-briefenglishuganda2021
Annual Plan 2021

Twaweza’s plans for 2021


Urban Casual Workers Infographic

Casual workers in urban areas are hardest hit by the economic impact of the Coronavirus


infographicsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishkenya2020
Living with Coronavirus

Kenyan citizens’ opinions and experiences on the economic effects of COVID-19


presentations publicationssauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishkenya2020
Casual workers in urban areas are hardest hit by the economic impact of the Coronavirus

1 out of 3 have lost their source of income, and 8 out of 10 have less than a week of food at home


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishkenya2020
Feeding the nation

Do households engage in some form of agriculture? Is this their main source of income or a secondary source? Do they own land? And have they experienced any recent land disputes?


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishkenya2020
Living with Coronavirus

Households which depend on casual work, generally concentrated in urban areas especially big cities, are by far the hardest hit by crises of food and income caused by the Coronavirus.


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishkenya2020
Responding to Coronavirus

This brief focuses on three vulnerable districts in Uganda. The city of Kampala is vulnerable due to its dense population and high levels of movement.


publications research-briefenglishuganda2020
Coping with Coronavirus

Most citizens (85%) report that their household has faced lost income or other financial constraints due to the Coronavirus. Citizens have also been affected by increased food prices (28%) and reduced interaction with friends (23%).


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishkenya2020
Eight out of ten (85%) Kenyan households have lost income or are facing financial constraints due to Covid-19

And seven out of ten (68%) say they are eating less during the past month


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishkenya2020
47% of Ugandan households depend on agriculture to survive

In urban areas, people depend equally on crop farming and casual labour for their income


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishuganda2020
Livelihoods Under Corona: livelihoods and agriculture

In rural households, growing and selling crops is the main source of income for almost half of households. At the same time 1 out of 5 (22%) depend on casual labour for income, similar to urban areas.


factsheet publicationssauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishuganda2020
Livelihoods Under Corona: livelihoods and inequality

COVID-19 takes its toll on Ugandan’s pockets: households are spending 30% less compared to January.


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishuganda2020
Coping with Coronavirus questionnaire

Sauti za Wananchi Kenya, special panel, Round 1 – questionnaire


data-resourcesauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishkenya2020
COVID-19 takes its toll on Ugandan’s pockets: households are spending 30% less compared to January

On average, Ugandans report that their households spend UGX 10,800 per day, down from UGX 14,100 in January of this year. The drop has been sharper in rural areas than urban


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishuganda2020
Ndoa za Utotoni Tanzania

Nchini Tanzania, wasichana 2 kati ya 5 wameolewa kabla ya kutimiza umri wa miaka 18. Nchi inaweza kuwa inapoteza kiasi cha Tsh milioni 637 kila mwaka (ilikadiriwa, 2015) kwa sababu ya ndoa za utotoni.


factsheet publicationsadvocacy-and-engagementkiswahilitanzania2020
Child Marriage in Tanzania

In Tanzania, 2 out of 5 girls are married before they reach 18. The country could be losing as much as TZS 635 million per year (est. 2015) due to child marriage.


factsheet publicationsadvocacy-and-engagementenglishtanzania2020
Annual Plan 2020

Looking forward to the year ahead – Twaweza’s plans for 2020


publications reportlearning-and-strategy our-governanceenglishregional2020
Annual Report 2019

Highlights from our work in 2019 – challenges, failures, successes and insights


publications reportlearning-and-strategy our-governanceenglishregional2020
Teacher and Parental Perceptions of Performance Pay in Education: Evidence from Tanzania

Teacher opinions regarding performance pay from a large experimental evaluation that included three interventions: a school grants program, a teacher performance pay program, and a combination of both programs.


publications reportkiufunzaenglishtanzania2020
Coping with crisis

This brief presents data on Ugandan citizens’ knowledge, attitudes and practices on matters relating to the Covid-19 pandemic


publications research-briefenglishuganda2020
Demokrasia Yetu: Kazi za Vyama vya Siasa

Je vyama vya siasa vina kazi gani? Msikie Mhe Zitto Kabwe na Mhe John Shibuda wakizungumzia kazi ya vyama vya siasa nchini


videoadvocacy-and-engagement voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2020
Je, Vyama vya Siasa Tanzania Vina Kazi Gani?

Wasikie Mhe Zitto Kabwe na Mhe John Shibuda wakizungumzia kazi ya vyama vya siasa nchini


Ndoa za utotoni hupunguza ubora wa maisha kwa wasichana wadogo na watoto wao, na kuathiri vibaya uchumi wa taifa kwa ujumla

Katika kuadhimisha Siku ya Wanawake Duniani 2020, vijana wawili wanaharakati wa kitanzania wamezindua filamu yao kuhusu ndoa za utotoni kwa kushirikiana na Msichana Initiativena Twaweza.


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagementkiswahilitanzania2020
Child marriage leads to lower life quality for young girls and their children, and negatively affects the economy as a whole

To mark International Women’s Day 2020, two young Tanzanian activists have launched a film on child marriages in partnership with Msichana Initiative and Twaweza.


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagementenglishtanzania2020
Critical review of Twaweza

The overall feedback on Twaweza is positive. The organization is considered to be one of the most reliable and powerful CSOs in the country.


monitoring-brief publicationslearning-and-strategyenglishtanzania2019
Uwezo Tanzania 2019: Are Our Children Learning?

Uwezo’s seventh annual learning assessment which tested skills among thousands of children on Mainland Tanzania


publications reportpartner-content voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2019
Uwezo Tanzania 2019: Kiswahili literacy is improving steadily according to the latest Uwezo data

But inequalities continue to be a major challenge, affecting learning outcomes


press-release publicationspartner-content voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2019
Active and Engaged

Fewer than half of citizens say they have attended a public meeting in the last year


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishuganda2019
Uwezo Uganda 2019: Learning outcomes in literacy and numeracy have remained low, with little, if any, signs of improvement

A new Uwezo report reveals a decline in literacy and numeracy levels of Primary 3 to Primary 6 pupils.


publications reportpartner-contentenglishuganda2019
Learning outcomes in literacy and numeracy have remained low, with little, if any, signs of improvement

A new Uwezo report reveals a decline in literacy and numeracy levels of Primary 3 to Primary 6 pupils.


press-release publicationspartner-contentenglishuganda2019
Mchango wa Asasi za Kiraia katika Uchumi wa Tanzania

Je, ni upi mchango wa asasi za kiraia katika uchumi wa Tanzania? Mtazame Aidani Eyakuze, Mkurugenzi wa Twaweza akieleza wakati wa Wiki ya Azaki 2019


Three out of four Ugandans see village representatives as the best way to influence government

Despite seeing local government as a conduit for raising their views, 2 out of 5 citizens (44%) report that they attended a public meeting in the past year.


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishuganda2019
Between paper and practice

Civil servants themselves indicate that, while citizens can engage in processes to make their needs known, priority is given to proposals from public officials themselves.


publications research-brieflearning-and-strategy sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishuganda2019
Leaving no one behind data

Sauti za Wananchi Uganda, round 11, 2019 – data


data-resourcesauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishuganda2019
Leaving no one behind datamap

Sauti za Wananchi Uganda, round 11, 2019 – datamap


data-resourcesauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishuganda2019
Leaving no one behind questionnaire

Sauti za Wananchi Uganda, round 11, 2019 – questionnaire


data-resourcesauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishuganda2019
Leaving no one behind

4 out of 10 Ugandans (40%) say their access to clean and safe water has improved over the last 12 months, the same portion as say their access has stayed the same (39%) and twice the number that say their access has gotten worse (20%).


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishuganda2019
Leaving no one behind

4 out of 10 Ugandans (40%) say their access to clean and safe water has improved over the last 12 months, the same portion as say their access has stayed the same (39%) and twice the number that say their access has gotten worse (20%).


publications research-briefpartner-content sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishuganda2019
Majority of households in Uganda access water from an improved source

But there are significant disparities, particularly in terms of access to piped water, between urban and rural areas, and poorer and wealthier households


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishuganda2019
Uwezo Uganda 2019: Are Our Children Learning- Refugee Contexts?

A specially adapted Uwezo learning assessment for refugee settlements


publications reportpartner-content voice-and-participationenglishuganda2019
Uwezo Uganda 2019: Are Our Children Learning?

Periodic, independent evaluations of performance can contribute to the accountability of educational systems


publications reportpartner-content voice-and-participationenglishuganda2019
Uwezo Uganda 2019: Are our children learning beyond the basic skills?

A specially adapted Uwezo learning assessment to assess beyond basic skills


publications reportpartner-content voice-and-participationenglishuganda2019
Wanawake wakieleza wanavyoteswa na Teleza, Kigoma

Wanawake mkoani Kigoma wameendelea kunyanyasika kwa kubakwa na watu wajulikanao kama Teleza


Zitto Kabwe Kuhusu Uwazi na Uwajibikaji

Kubanwa kwa uwazi sasa hivi, kubanwa kwa taasisi za kiuwajibikaji sasa hivi kufanya kazi zao….kutatupa miaka kadhaa ya kutokushughulikia matatizo ambayo yatakuwa yameibuliwa sasa hivi


Health Check datamap

Sauti za Wananchi Uganda, round 7, 2018 – datamap


data-resourcesauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishuganda2019
Health Check data

Sauti za Wananchi Uganda, round 7, 2018 – data


data-resourcesauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishuganda2019
Health Check questionnaire

Sauti za Wananchi Uganda, round 7, 2018 – questionnaire


data-resourcesauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishuganda2019
Health Check

Three out of ten Ugandans have experienced an accident or injury in the past six months, either personally (4%) or through a friend (12%) or household member (16%).


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishuganda2019
Three out of four injuries or accidents in Uganda happen on the road

Half of all injuries or accidents are related to boda-bodas


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishuganda2019
Uwezo East Africa: data on learning

Hundreds and thousands of data points from six years of the Uwezo Annual Learning Assessment. The data are free for researchers and others stakeholders to download on a not-for-profit basis.


publications reportpartner-content voice-and-participationenglishregional2016
Under less pressure?

Poor and less well educated households are much more likely to engage in livestock farming while wealthier and better educated households are more likely to be formally employed.


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishkenya2019
1 out of 4 Kenyans depend on casual employment

They are most likely to suffer from food stress and insufficient incomes


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishkenya2019
Mabadiliko matano muhimu: Sheria ya Vyama vya Siasa

Maeneo matano muhimu yanayohitaji marekebisho katika Mabadiliko ya Sheria ya Vyama vya Siasa, 2018


factsheet publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement litigationkiswahilitanzania2019
Statement on Proposed Amendments: Political Parties Act

We seek to add our views and voices to the debate with a view to finding a constructive way forward, which both safeguards our young, hard-won democracy while allowing for appropriate regulation of the registration of political parties.


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement litigationenglishtanzania2019
Tamko kuhusu Marekebisho yanayopendekezwa: Sheria ya Vyama vya Siasa

Tunatoa maoni na kupaza sauti yetu kwenye mjadala unaoendelea tukiwa na lengo la kutafuta njia bora ya kusonga mbele, ambayo italinda demokrasia yetu changa huku ikipatikana njia sahihi ya kusimamia usajili wa vyama vya siasa.


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement litigationkiswahilitanzania2019
The Big Four Agenda

Despite some positive indications in citizens’ views about corruption management, 8 out of 10 Kenyans (77%) cite corruption as the main reason why the government’s agenda may not succeed.


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishkenya2019
9 out of 10 Kenyans are dissatisfied with the country’s economic management

And 8 out of 10 say corruption might hinder success of the government’s Big Four Agenda


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishkenya2019
Sauti za Wananchi: Uganda 2018, Round 5, Livelihoods Questionnaire

Questionnaire for Uganda.


data-resourcesauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishuganda2019
8 out of 10 citizens (79%) say mobile money services are too expensive

6 out of 10 citizens who are aware of the new tax on these services have reduced their transactions as a result


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishuganda2019
Uwezo Tanzania 2019: Muhtasari – Je, watoto wetu wanajifunza?

Asilimia ya watoto wa darasa la 3 ambao waliweza kusoma hadithi fupi ya Kiswahili imeongezeka mara mbili zaidi kati ya mwaka 2011 na 2017


publications research-briefpartner-contentkiswahilitanzania2019
Annual Report 2018: Highlights

Highlights from our work in 2018 – challenges, failures, successes and insights


publications reportlearning-and-strategy our-governanceenglishregional2019
Annual Report 2018

Highlights from our work in 2018 – challenges, failures, successes and insights


publications reportlearning-and-strategy our-governanceenglishregional2019
Civic Space in Uganda

Civic space is closing around the world – Twaweza attempts to capture the trends in the countries in which we work


publications reportadvocacy-and-engagement learning-and-strategyenglishuganda2019
Tazama wanawake wakieleza wanavyoteswa na #Teleza

Wanawake mkoani Kigoma wameendelea kunyanyasika kwa kubakwa na watu wajulikanao kama #Teleza.


Grading the nation datamap

Sauti za Wananchi Kenya, round 23, 2018 – datamap


data-resourcesauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishkenya2019
Grading the nation data

Sauti za Wananchi Kenya, round 23, 2018 – data


data-resourcesauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishkenya2019
Grading the nation questionnaire

Sauti za Wananchi Kenya, round 23, 2018 – questionnaire


data-resourcesauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishkenya2019
Grading the nation

Seven out of ten Kenyans (71%) say they are not satisfied overall with the direction in which the country is heading; half of these blame economic issues for this view.


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishkenya2019
Banking, mobile money and taxes data

Sauti za Wananchi Uganda, round 8, 2018 – data


data-resourcesauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishuganda2019
Banking, mobile money and taxes questionnaire

Sauti za Wananchi Uganda, round 8, 2018 – questionnaire


data-resourcesauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishuganda2019
Banking, mobile money and taxes

A majority of citizens (79%) say that they think mobile money services are too expensive. This is compared to 3 out of 10 (32%) who said the same one year before.


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishuganda2019
The challenges of public agency in public primary schooling

The initiative was born to bring together local level stakeholders (pupils, parents, teachers and leaders) to collectively find solutions to challenges facing the education sector in their communities using existing spaces and platforms (village barazas, parent meetings, school government).


monitoring-brief publicationslearning-and-strategyenglishkenya2019
4 out of 5 Ugandan households say their household income does not cover their daily expenses

Half of Uganda’s households have members that have dropped out of school for financial reasons


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishuganda2019
More food, less money data

Sauti za Wananchi Uganda, round 8, 2018 – data


data-resourcesauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishuganda2019
More food, less money questionnaire

Sauti za Wananchi Uganda, round 8, 2018 – questionnaire


data-resourcesauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishuganda2019
More food, less money

This brief reports that if given a cash injection of UGX 350,000 from the government, on average Ugandans are likely to spend close to half of it (44%) on starting or growing a business, 18% on agriculture and 13% on school fees.


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishuganda2019
Infusing Data into Jumuiya Discussions

One out of three Jumuiya leaders (33%) report having taken action based on the recommendations in the guides.


monitoring-brief publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement learning-and-strategyenglishtanzania2019
NJOO TUONGEE Usalama na ACP Barnabas Mwakalukwa

Watu wako salama? Njoo tuongee na msemaji wa Jeshi la Polisi


NJOO TUONGEE Mazingira na Muungano na Mh January Makamba

Je, kuna changamoto gani katika maswala ya mazingira na muungano? Njoo tuongee.


NJOO TUONGEE Changamoto za Upatikanaji wa Maji na Prof Kitila Mkumbo

Je, upatikanaji wa maji mtaani kwako bado ni changamoto? Njoo tuongee na Prof Kitila Mkumbo kupata majibu


NJOO TUONGEE Usimamizi wa Serikali za Mitaa na Mh. Selemani Jaffo

Je, unaelewa majukumu ya TAMISEMI? Njoo tuongee na Mh. Selemani Jaffo kufahamu zaidi.


NJOO TUONGEE Uwajibikaji wa Serikali za Mitaa na Ludovick Utouh

Je, tuongee uwajibikaji serikali za mitaa chini ya TAMISEMI.


2 out of 3 Kenyans say cost of living is the biggest problem for their households

2 out of 3 Kenyans say cost of living is the biggest problem for their households


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishkenya2019
NJOO TUONGEE Haki ya kupata habari na Dr Harrison Mwakyembe

Je, unafahamu kwamba kupata habari ni haki yako? Njoo tuongee na Waziri Harrison Mwakyembe akijibu maswali ya wananchi


Mapambano dhidi ya Rushwa vs Uwazi

Mapambano dhidi ya rushwa na kufanya mambo kwa siri vinaendana?


Annual Plan 2019

Looking forward to the year ahead – Twaweza’s plans for 2019.


publications reportlearning-and-strategy our-governanceenglishregional2019
Twaweza Strategy 2019-2022

After a breathless four years of implementing our 2015-2018 strategy, it is that time again. Twaweza is proud and pleased to present our strategy for 2019 to 2022


publications reportlearning-and-strategy our-governanceenglishregional2019
Sowing the seeds of change

Twaweza East Africa piloted an approach to catalyze public agency at the sub-national level in Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda, with the education sector as an entry point, and the issue of teacher and pupil absenteeism as the problem in focus


monitoring-brief publicationslearning-and-strategyenglishregional2019
Tanzanian’s views on Twaweza

One out of four Tanzanians (27%) have heard of Twaweza, and most of them understand what Twaweza does.


monitoring-brief publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement learning-and-strategyenglishtanzania2019
Twaweza Audited Financial Statements 2018

Twaweza’s financial statements are subjected to independent audit each year. Once approved by the Board, these are disclosed to the public.


publications reportour-governanceenglishregional2019
Uwezo Uganda 2018: Are Our Children Learning (beyond basics)?

Learning levels among the Primary 5 and 6 pupils in English and Mathematics are low across the assessed districts.


publications reportpartner-contentenglishuganda2018
Governance and Management Policy

This manual has been prepared to ensure transparent and accountable governance and management of Twaweza.


publications reportour-governanceenglishregional2019
Finance and Administration Manual

These regulations contain the basic principles, policies and regulations that are to guide Twaweza East Africa’s financial and administration operations


publications reportour-governanceenglishregional2015
Human Resource (HR) Manual

This manual has been prepared to enable the application of fair, consistent and equitable terms and conditions for all employees


publications reportour-governanceenglishregional2015
Program Policies

The Program Policies will form the basis from which operational standards are developed and updated.


publications reportour-governanceenglishregional2015
Vivian Jesse – kutoka Divisheni 0 mpaka Divisheni 1

Je, mazingira ya kujifunzia yana mchango gani katika kujifunza kwa mtoto? Tazama mwanafunzi Vivian akielezea jinsi mazingira yalivyobadilisha matokeo yake ya kujifunza.


videoadvocacy-and-engagement voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2018
Tazama Aisha akielezea maisha na matarajio yake

Takwimu mbalimbali kutoka kwa wananchi zinatuletea hadithi ya Aisha, mwanamke mtanzania, na mapambano yake ya kila siku.


videoadvocacy-and-engagement voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2018
Aisha akielezea maisha na matarajio yake kitakwimu

Aisha ni mwanamke mtanzania, msikilize akieleza maisha yake


A fair slice?

An overwhelming majority of Kenyans (95%) think that the gap between rich and poor is too big, and a similar number feel it is the government’s job to reduce this gap (85%).


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishkenya2018
Makala ya Ufunguo: Elimu bure au Elimu Bora?

Je, mzazi ana mchango gani katika elimu ya mtoto?


videoadvocacy-and-engagement voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2018
Nahodha wa meli yetu wenyewe

Wananchi wanaelewa nini kuhusu “ushiriki”, na kwa kiwango gani wanashiriki kwenye mikutano ya hadhara? Je, wananchi wanafikiri wanawezaje kutoa maoni na malalamiko yao kwa serikali?


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2018
Kuwapasha viongozi

Wananchi wanaelewa nini kuhusu demokrasia, katiba na uchochezi? Je, wanaona mabadiliko yoyote kwenye uhuru wa kujumuika na uhuru wa maoni katika miaka michache iliyopita?


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2018
Speaking truth to power?

What do citizens understand by key terms such as democracy, constitution and sedition? Do they perceive any change in freedom of assembly and freedom of expression in the last few years?


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2018
Captains of their own ship?

Citizens want more transparent accountability: most citizens (59%) want the President to explain government spending of taxpayer money to Parliament, and an even larger proportion (78%) want the President to always obey the law and abide by court decisions.


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2018
#MbungeLive: Mwananchi, Mbunge na Uwajibikaji – Hussein Bashe

Tazama Mbunge wa Nzega akionesha jinsi anavyowatumikia wananchi wake


Sauti za Mtaani: Changamoto katika sekta ya Elimu

#SautiZaMtaani ni mahojiano mbalimbali ya wananchi kuhusu changamoto wanazokutana nazo katika maisha yao ya kila siku.


videoadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchikiswahilitanzania2018
6 out of 10 citizens say freedom for opposition parties, civil society and the media has declined over the past three years

Across a range of indicators of democracy, the majority of citizens say there is less freedom now than there was three years ago.


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2018
Wananchi 6 kati ya 10 wanasema uhuru wa vyama vya upinzani, asasi za kiraia na vyombo vya habari umepungua ndani ya kipindi cha miaka mitatu iliyopita

Wanapotathmini viashiria mbalimbali vya demokrasia, wananchi wengi wanasema uhuru umepungua katika kipindi cha miaka mitatu iliyopita


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2018
Three out of four Ugandans have access to clean water

But differences in access to water between rural and urban areas remain stark.


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishuganda2018
Clean and safe?

Three out of four Ugandans (74%) have access to an improved water source, meaning one that provides cleaner and safer water.


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishuganda2018
Ugandans’ perceptions of refugees

In all three countries; Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda the majority of citizens still have little or no interaction with refugees.


publications research-briefpartner-content sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishuganda2018
Kenyans’ perceptions of refugees

In all three countries; Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda the majority of citizens still have little or no interaction with refugees.


publications research-briefpartner-content sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishkenya2018
Tanzanians’ perceptions of refugees

In all three countries; Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda the majority of citizens still have little or no interaction with refugees.


publications research-briefpartner-content sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2018
Elimu Bora au Bora Elimu?

Mitazamo ya wananchi kuhusu elimu bure imebadilika kwa kiasi kikubwa ndani ya miaka 12 iliyopita.


videoadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchikiswahilitanzania2018
4 out of 5 citizens do not think senior government officials, the wealthy or politicians will be punished according to the law for committing crime

But 9 out of 10 think that ordinary citizens will be.


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishkenya2018
Elimu bora au bora elimu

Wazazi wengi huzingatia zaidi viwango vya juu vya ufaulu wa shule husika (asilimia 72) na walimu wanaojituma (asilimia 72 pia) wakati wa kuchagua shule za sekondari kwa ajili ya watoto wao.


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2018
Parents see shortages of teachers as the biggest challenge in education

But most parents know little about school financing, recent education reforms and learning.


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishkenya2018
Twaweza in the News 2017

Across the three countries, radio remains the main platform on which Twaweza is covered the most.


monitoring-brief publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement learning-and-strategyenglishregional2018
How to Find Love – Partnering for Evidence-Based Communications

If your organisation has the interest and motivation to make your communications more effective, it’s time! At its core, adopting an evidence-based approach to communications is about challenging your organisation’s ideas and putting yourself out there, by asking questions and testing your assumptions to make your work stronger.


publications reportlearning-and-strategyenglishregional2018
9 out of 10 citizens want to raise education standards, even if it means paying fees

In 2005, 6 out of 10 citizens preferred fee-free education even if it meant standards were low.


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2018
Wananchi 9 kati ya 10 wanataka viwango vya elimu viboreshwe, hata kama itawalazimu kulipa ada

Mitazamo ya wananchi kuhusu elimu bure imebadilika kwa kiasi kikubwa ndani ya miaka 12 iliyopita.


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2018
#MbungeLive: Mwananchi, Mbunge na Uwajibikaji – John Heche

Tazama Mbunge wa Tarime akionesha jinsi anavyowatumikia wananchi wake


For free or fees?

Very few parents appear concerned with low school fees (6%) and distance to schools (18%) when choosing secondary schools. Instead, the majority of parents report being influenced by secondary school exam pass marks and teacher motivation (both at 72%).


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2018
Annual Report 2017

Highlights from our work in 2017 – challenges, failures, successes and insights


publications reportour-governanceenglishregional2018
7 out of 10 citizens strongly support media freedoms

9 out of 10 support the right to criticize leaders and the majority of citizens actively seek government information.


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishuganda2018
On tap?

Rural households need on average 45 minutes to collect water, up from 37 minutes in 2016. For three out of ten households (30%), collecting water takes at least an hour and for one out of twenty households (5%) it takes at least three hours.


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishkenya2018
What is going on in our schools?

8 out of 10 citizens (81%) think that they have a role to play in improving the quality of education in the country.


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishkenya2018
Frankly Speaking

7 out of 10 citizens (72%) think that the news media should investigate and report on government mistakes and corruption.


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishuganda2018
Urban, rural divides in access to water: twice as many rural households use surface water and twice as many urban households access piped water

For 1 out of 20 rural households, collecting water takes at least three hours.


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishkenya2018
Sauti za Wanachi Uganda: How does It work?

A simplified view of the methodology for our pioneering Sauti za Wananchi mobile phone survey.


videosauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishuganda
Je, Jukumu la mzazi ni lipi kwa elimu ya mtoto?

Je, wazazi wanaonaje swala zima la kuchangia michango shuleni?


videoadvocacy-and-engagement voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2018
Demokrasia Yetu: Funguka – Rushwa na Uwazi

Mapambano dhidi ya rushwa na kufanya mambo kwa siri vinaendana?


videoadvocacy-and-engagement voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2018
Zaidi ya nusu ya watanzania hawajisikii huru kumkosoa Rais, Makamu wa Rais na Waziri mkuu

Zaidi ya nusu ya watanzania hawajisikii huru kumkosoa Rais, Makamu wa Rais na Waziri Mkuu; hata hivyo wananchi 8 kati ya 10 wanasema wanapaswa kuwa huru kumkosoa Rais na serikali


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2018
Learning Note 13: A Twist on Performance Theory

To understand better the mechanisms of how an individual-performance based initiative KiuFunza interacted with the school’s collective, we conducted in-depth qualitative research in the 10 schools participating in KiuFunza in the Mbozi district in Tanzania.


presentations publicationskiufunza learning-and-strategyenglishregional2018
Aidan Eyakuze: Afisa Mawasiliano Ni Daraja Kati ya Serikali na Wananchi

Afisa mawasiliano ana jukumu la kumvusha mwananchi kutoka kwenye giza la mkanganyiko wa sintofahamu kwenda kwenye hali ya nuru na uhakika.


8 out of 10 citizens think they should be free to criticize the President and government

But more than half do not feel free to criticize the President, Vice President and Prime Minister.


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2018
Not to that extent?

The majority of citizens do not feel free to criticise the President (60%), the Vice President (54%) and the Prime Minister (51%).


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2018
Under Pressure

More than half of Ugandans mention poverty and food insecurity as the main problems facing their households.


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishuganda2018
Ugandans often go hungry and a majority do not have enough income to meet their daily needs

And 8 out of 10 are not happy with how the economy is being managed.


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishuganda2018
Teacher Incentives in Public Schools: Do they improve learning in Tanzania?

The performance pay learning impact was studied in a nationally representative sample of 180 schools (60 schools randomly selected into each of the two incentive pay programs, and 60 control schools). The evaluation finds that both types of teacher performance pay systems improved student test scores.


publications research-briefkiufunzaenglishtanzania2018
Annual Plan 2018

Looking forward to the year ahead – Twaweza’s plans for 2018.


publications reportour-governanceenglishregional2018
Are we safer?

Kenyans are slightly more optimistic about the security situation compared to last year. Four out of ten (42%) say the security situation in their area has improved over the past three months, compared to 38% who said the same in 2016.


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishkenya2018
Management Letter 2018

The audit was done according to the international standards on auditing


publications reportour-governanceenglishregional2019
Spotlight on Sustainable Development | 2017 report

The 2017 edition focuses on privatization, partnerships, corporate capture and their impact on sustainability and inequality.


monitoring-brief publicationspartner-contentenglishregional2017
Twaweza Efficiency Audit Report 2017

An audit of our policies and systems


publications reportour-governanceenglishregional2018
Twaweza Audited Financial Statements 2017

Full transparency on all our income and expenditure in 2017


publications reportour-governanceenglishregional2018
Learning Outcomes: the measure of progress for Uganda’s education

Schooling, whether we like it or not, is not just about academic performance but it has an impact on the child’s social and emotional well-being and health and other aspects of his/her development


publications reportpartner-contentenglishuganda2017
We the people: Ugandans’ views on governance, information and citizen engagement

One out of ten Ugandans owns a smart phone and is a member of at least one social network, mostly Facebook. This is one of three briefs produced to mark the launch of Sauti za Wananchi in Uganda.


publicationssauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishuganda2017
We the people: Ugandan citizens’ livelihoods

Ugandans live in households with an average of five members; half of these households have earthen floors. This is one of three briefs produced to mark the launch of Sauti za Wananchi in Uganda.


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishuganda2018
We the people: Ugandans’ experiences of public service delivery

The majority of Ugandans name health as one of the three most pressing challenges for the country (59%) and their own household (55%). This is one of three briefs produced to mark the launch of Sauti za Wananchi in Uganda.


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishuganda2018
Sauti za Wananchi Uganda: Timely and nationally-representative data

Collecting nationally representative data through mobile phones


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishuganda2017
Ministers: there are 2,000 citizens on the line

Ugandans talk service delivery through a new nationally representative mobile phone survey.


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishuganda2017
Ugandans’ views on governance, information and citizen engagement

1 out of 10 Ugandans is a member of at least one social network, mostly Facebook .


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishuganda2017
Ugandan citizens’ livelihoods

Over half of Ugandans live in houses with earthen floors.


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishuganda2017
Ugandans’ experiences of public service delivery

Parents report teacher and equipment issues as the main problems affecting their children’s schooling.


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishuganda2017
Striking an unhealthy note

Far fewer Kenyan citizens are using government health facilities in 2017 (47%) compared to 2016 (74%). Citizens using private or NGO facilities rose at the same time from 16% in 2016 to 34% in 2017.


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishkenya2017
The number of citizens using government health facilities has dropped significantly

Citizens are also less satisfied with their experience at the health facility they normally use.


press-release publicationssauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishkenya2017
85% of citizens say there is less corruption in the country today compared to five years ago

Citizens report being asked for bribes much less in all service sectors compared to 2014.


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2017
Asilimia 85 ya wananchi wanaripoti kuwa rushwa imepungua nchini ukilinganisha na miaka mitano iliyopita

Wananchi wanasema viwango vya kuombwa rushwa vimepungua katika sekta zoteukilinganisha na mwaka 2014.


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2017
Unfinished business?

A full 2 out of 3 Tanzanians (67%) think that it is important for the country to get a new constitution.

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publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglish kiswahilitanzania2017
Wananchi wawili kati ya watatu wanasema Tanzania inahitaji katiba mpya

Nusu ya wananchi wanasema mchakato wa katiba uanze upya na tume mpya.


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2017
Two out of three citizens think Tanzania needs a new constitution

Half of citizens think the constitutional process should start again with a new commission.


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2017
The untouchables?

Almost 9 out of 10 citizens (85%) think that the level of corruption has declined compared to five years ago. In contrast, in 2014, 8 out of 10 (78%) said that there was more corruption than 10 years ago.

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publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglish kiswahilitanzania2017
Zege limelala

Wananchi 7 kati ya 10 wanafahamu kuhusu mchakato wa mabadiliko ya katiba.


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2017

Nusu ya wananchi wanasema posho zinazotolewa kwa watumishi wa umma baada ya kuhudhuria vikao ni rushwa.


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2017
Only 1 out of 10 citizens think national or county governments consider their opinions in decision-making

But 9 out of 10 citizens express strong support for devolution.


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishkenya2017
Is government closer to the people?

When it comes to both national and county governments, only 1 in 10 citizens think their opinions are considered in decision making to a large extent.


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishkenya2017
Uwezo Uganda 2017: Survey Tool

The survey tool for the pilot of the Uwezo learning assessment in four refugee hosting districts of Adjumani, Arua, Isingiro and Yumbe.


Wananchi wengi wanatumia vituo vya afya vya serikali na husubiri chini ya saa moja kumuona daktari

Wananchi wanapopata majeraha ama kuugua, 6 kati ya 10 (61%) huendakatika kituo cha afya cha serikali. Kiwango hiki kimeongezeka kutoka 45% mwaka 2014.


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2017
More citizens are using public health facilities and waiting for less than an hour to see a doctor

At the same time,7 out of 10 say that the lack of medicines and supplies is a challenge.


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2017
Katiba ni Mali na zao la Wananchi – Ado Shaibu

Je, Katiba ni mali ya nani?


Afya Kwanza

Wagonjwa 7 kati ya 10 walioenda katika vituo vya afya vya serikali miezi mitatu iliyopita wamekutana na upungufu wa dawa na vifaa tiba.


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2017
Feedback on curriculum analysis in Tanzania

As part of our Basic Education portfolio, Twaweza is undertaking a rigorous process of curriculum analysis in Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda.


monitoring-brief publicationslearning-and-strategyenglishregional2017
Nusu ya watanzania wanasema usalama umeimarika ndani ya kipindi cha mwaka mmoja uliopita

Kuna mtazamo wa jumla miongoni mwa wananchi kuwa usalama nchini umeimarika katika kipindi cha mwaka mmoja uliopita kama inavyooneshwa na zaidi ya nusu ya wananchi hao (asilimia 53)


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2017
Half of citizens feel security in there area has improved over the last year

Yet 4 out of 10 have witnessed violence in public in the past year.


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2017
Safety first?

One out of two citizens (53%) say the security situation in their neighbourhood has improved over the past year, 37% say it has stayed the same while 10% think it has gotten worse.

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monitoring-brief publicationssauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglish kiswahilitanzania2017
Hapa Usalama Tu

Muhtasari huu umebeba takwimu kuhusu maoni ya wananchi juu ya usalama, polisi na haki nchini Tanzania


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2017
Four out of ten (44%) citizens think that Kenya is not very democratic

Another four out of ten citizens do not know what democracy is.


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishkenya2017
The end of the beginning?

Over the past two years, however, citizens’ priorities have shifted substantially. In 2015, 34% of citizens cited poverty or economic challenges as one of their top three priority areas for the country compared to 60% mentioning this in 2017.

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publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglish kiswahilitanzania2017
Constitution, Devolution and Inclusion

Overall four out of ten citizens in Kenya think democracy in the country is being practiced to a small extent (40%) or not at all (4%), while a similar number (43%) do not know what democracy means.


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishkenya2017
Matarajio na matokeo

Wananchi wametaja umasikini/hali ngumu ya kiuchumi kama tatizo kuu linaloikabili Tanzania kwa sasa.


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2017
Wananchi 7 kati ya 10 wanaukubali utendaji wa Rais Magufuli

Asilimia 71 ya wananchi wanaukubali utendaji wa Rais Magufuli tangu alipoingia madarakani. Kiwango hiki kimeshuka kutoka asilimia 96 mwezi Juni 2016.


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2017
7 out of 10 citizens approve of the performance of President Magufuli

Approval of the President is higher among older citizens and those with lower education levels.


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2017
Infusing radio discussions with data | A Twaweza reflection

Twaweza and CSSC co-produced 600,000 discussions guides for distribution among Jumuiya prayer groups and partnered with five popular Christian radio stations to support the printed information and encourage discussion. This brief provides reflections and insights from the work.


monitoring-brief publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement learning-and-strategyenglishtanzania2017
Almost all parents (97%) do not know how much money public schools get per child

1 in 4 parents has visited school to ask about financial information.


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishkenya2017
A missed opportunity: The (un)availability of information on government websites

This brief looks at the availability of key information and functions on a selection of key government websites.


monitoring-brief publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement learning-and-strategyenglishregional2017
Kenyans’ views on teachers

Only about 14% and 16% parents want their male and female children respectively to join the teaching profession mostly due to perceptions of low pay for teachers and the frequent strikes.


monitoring-brief publicationslearning-and-strategyenglishkenya2017
Sub-national conversation and views on education in Kenya

Twaweza commissioned a qualitative study to explore the state of debate and communication about education in general, and learning outcomes in particular, among district-level decision makers in ten selected districts in Kenya.


monitoring-brief publicationslearning-and-strategyenglishkenya2017
Wananchi wanasemaje kuhusu uhuru wa vyombo vya habari nchini Tanzania?

Asilimia 53 ya wananchi wanasema kuwa kuvipa uhuru vyombo vya habari kufanya kazi bila kuingiliwa ni muhimu.


publications research-briefadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2017
Are parents in Kenya engaged in schools?

Only 3 out of 10 Kenyans with children in primary school are interested in following up on whether teachers are present or absent in school, even though 3 in 10 Kenyans think teachers and head teachers do not come to school as expected.


monitoring-brief publicationslearning-and-strategy voice-and-participationenglishkenya2017
Uwezo Uganda 2017: Test Booklet

The test booklet for the pilot of the Uwezo learning assessment in four refugee hosting districts of Adjumani, Arua, Isingiro and Yumbe.


Uwezo East Africa 2017: Are Our Children Learning?

These assessments mobilized thousands of volunteers across all districts of the three countries and collected data on more than 1.5 million children.


publications reportpartner-contentenglishregional2017
Uwezo Tanzania 2017: Are Our Children Learning?

Among children aged 9 to 13, many are unable to complete Standard 2 work and the differences between districts are huge. Best district: Iringa Urban 74%, worst district: Sikonge 15%.


publications reportpartner-contentenglishtanzania2017
Simbachawene speaking at the KiuFunza Teachers’ Awards

KiuFunza Teachers’ Awards, motivating teachers to do better


videoadvocacy-and-engagement kiufunzakiswahilitanzania2017
Teacher incentive program helps over 48,000 students to improve in Kiswahili and Mathematics

Twaweza is rewarding 788 Standard I, II, and III subject teachers and 135 head teachers for 2016 test performance. The value of the total bonus fund is TZS 251,827,040.


press-release publicationskiufunzaenglishtanzania2017
Sauti za Wananchi Uganda: Methodology Factsheet

A summary of the methodology


factsheet publicationssauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishuganda2017
Kenya’s Education Sector: How Basic?

Three out of four citizens think students leaving primary school do not have the skills they need for life. A substantial nine out of ten citizens admit not knowing how much funding is available to schools for free primary education


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishkenya2017
Je watoto wetu wanajifunza?

Tathmini ya Uwezo


videopartner-content voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2017
Incentives can help put the creativity back into teaching

When properly motivated teachers can use their creativity to help children learn, even in the most difficult of circumstances. This was one of the observations during a policy discussion held around KiuFunza in Dodoma.


publications reportkiufunzaenglishtanzania2017
Citizens and access to information in Uganda

The majority of Ugandans would not be able to find basic government information today: over 85% could not find information on education, agriculture or local budgets.


monitoring-brief publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement learning-and-strategyenglishuganda2017
Annual Report 2016

Highlights from our work in 2016 – challenges, failures, successes and insights


publications reportour-governanceenglishregional2017
Do the numbers add up? Use of the open data portal in Tanzania

This brief examines potential users’ of the portal interactions with it and their use of data in their work more broadly.


publications reportlearning-and-strategyenglishtanzania2017
Uganda Learning Outcomes Conference Communique

Some of the major emerging and recurring themes were around the purpose of education.


position-paper publicationspartner-contentenglishuganda2017
Opinion polls in Kenya: Are people listening?

Prior to the launch of Sauti za Wananchiin Kenya, Twaweza carried out a study to examine the Kenyan polling market, and to establish the potential of Sauti za Wananchi as a platform for regular citizen feedback on critical emerging issues in Kenya.


monitoring-brief publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement learning-and-strategy sauti-za-wananchienglishkenya2017
Appetite for accountability in Tanzania: Translating election-time signals into accountability values

We partnered with MIT’s GOV/LABto run an innovative experiment using the conjoint design to dig into questions such as how ordinary Tanzanian citizens see politics and government.


monitoring-brief publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement learning-and-strategyenglishtanzania2017
Hunger pangs

At least half of Tanzania’s households report that they worried about running out of food (69%); there was not enough food to feed all household members (51%), or a household member skipped a meal because they could not get food (50%).

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publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglish kiswahilitanzania2017
Going without?

On average, Kenya citizens estimate their daily needs at KES 99 per person yet 8 out of 10 citizens (81%) feel their income is insufficient to meet their household’s needs.


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishkenya2017
Clean and Safe?

A total of 7 out of 10 citizens (69%) remember that their MP promised the community a water project during the last election campaigns. However, 3 out of 4 (75%) say that none of these commitments have been implemented.

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publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglish kiswahilitanzania2017
Half empty or half full?

One in four rural households (26%) spend at least one hour collecting water compared to one in ten citizens (12%) in urban areas.


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishkenya2017
Uchungu wa Njaa

Kaya nane kati ya kumi (asilimia 80) zimeripoti kwamba kipato chao hakikidhi mahitaji yao ya kila siku


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2017
Safi na Salama?

Upatikanaji wa maji Tanzania hasa katika maeneo ya vijijini bado ni changamoto.


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2017
Upatikanaji wa maji Tanzania hasa katika maeneo ya vijijini bado ni changamoto

Utafiti wa Sauti za Wananchi umeonesha ya kwamba Upatikanaji wa maji vijijini ulikuwa asilimia 55 mwaka 2014 na asilimia 46 mwaka 2016


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2017
Access to water especially in rural areas has remained largely stagnant over the past ten years

Half of citizens (54%) have access to an improved water source, 46% in rural areas and 74% in urban areas.


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2017
Access to water is improving in rural areas but declining in urban locations

But one in four rural Kenyans (26%) spend an hour or more collecting water.


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishkenya2017
Insights on public agency in education

In 2016 we developed an experiment in public agency around a salient issue in Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda – supporting, challenging and facilitating our district implementing partners, and making use of data, insights, and information in new, locally-relevant ways.


monitoring-brief publicationslearning-and-strategyenglishregional2017
81% of Kenyans report that their income is insufficient to meet their household’s basic daily needs

Large numbers of citizens struggle to afford food, schooling and housing.


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishkenya2017
Mlimani TV Interview 12 Nov 2017

Maoni ya wananchi juu ya masuala ya kisiasa. Kwa mtazamo wao, ni tatizo gani kuu linaloikabili nchi kwa sasa?


videoadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2017
Wananchi wengi wamekumbwa na njaa katika kipindi cha miezi mitatu iliyopita

Idadi kubwa ya wahojiwa wa Sauti za Wananchi (asilimia 78) wameripoti uhaba wa chakula katika maeneo wanayoishi. Hali ni mbaya zaidi katika maeneo ya vijijini


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2017
Half of all citizens have experienced hunger in the past three months

Citizens are generally food insecure, but the situation has recently become worse.


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2017
Where the rubber hits the road: sub-national conversations and views on education.

In an effort to better understand the “production of education” in districts and schools, Twaweza commissioned a qualitative study to explore the state of debate and communication about education in general,and learning outcomes in particular,among district-level decision makers in ten selected districts in mainland Tanzania.


monitoring-brief publicationslearning-and-strategyenglishtanzania2017
Uwezo Tanzania 2017: Are Our Children Learning?

Among children aged 9 to 13, many are unable to complete Standard 2 work and the differences between districts are huge. In Iringa Urban, the best performing district, 74% of children aged 9 to 13 are able to pass basic literacy tests in English and Kiswahili and basic numeracy tests, while the corresponding figure in Sikonge is 15%.


presentations publicationspartner-content voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2017
Annual Plan 2017

Looking forward to the year ahead – Twaweza’s plans for 2017.


publications reportour-governanceenglishregional2017
Primary teachers earn over 200 million shillings in performance-based bonuses

In April 2017 something unique happened in Tanzania’s education sector. Early grade primary school teachers taking part in a Twaweza program called KiuFunza received a bonus depending on how well their students performed on Kiswahili reading and math tests at the end of 2016.


publications research-briefkiufunzaenglishtanzania2017
KiuFunza II: teacher performance pay improves early-grade learning outcomes

After a two year trial, Twaweza, in collaboration with COSTECH and Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA), has shown that cash on delivery (or performance pay) for teachers can significantly improve learning outcomes.


publications research-briefkiufunzaenglish kiswahilitanzania2017
Twaweza Immersion 2017

Every year the whole of Twaweza closes up shop and the entire organization spends time immersed in communities in one of our three countries of operation. In 2016 we tried something different for our annual immersion


monitoring-brief publicationslearning-and-strategyenglishregional2017
Listening to critical friends

Every year, we conduct an internal review of our progress and accomplishments against annual goals. In 2016, we also wished to include feedback from selected informed individuals outside Twaweza (critical friends) on their view of our progress and direction, and reflection on our successes and areas for improvement.


monitoring-brief publicationslearning-and-strategyenglishregional2017
Enriching public and policy discourse in Kenya, one poll at a time

Sauti za Wananchi is recognised as a reliable vehicle for gathering public opinion on governance issues, and as having the potential to boost the inclusion of public voices in policy making. Several policy actors have shown interest in using it to gain insight into citizen views.


publications research-brieflearning-and-strategy sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishkenya2017
Twaweza ATI Act Analysis

Draft analysis of the Access to Information Bill (2016)


publications reportadvocacy-and-engagementenglishtanzania2017
Twaweza in the News 2016

In this brief we present mostly quantitative summaries of how our own communication products feature in the media.


monitoring-brief publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement learning-and-strategyenglishkenya2017
Twaweza Audited Financial Statements 2016

Full transparency on all our income and expenditure in 2016


publications reportour-governanceenglishregional2017
JiElimishe: Twaweza inatoa wito kwa wazazi na shule kuhakikisha watoto wanapata chakula shuleni

Twaweza inatoa wito kwa wazazi na shule kuhakikisha watoto wanapata chakula shuleni.


press-release publicationspartner-contentkiswahilitanzania2016
JiElimishe: Twaweza calls for parents and schools to work together to ensure children are fed at school

Twaweza calls for parents and schools to work together to ensure children are fed at school.


press-release publicationspartner-contentenglishtanzania2016
Financial services disproportionately available to the wealthy as 1 in 6 citizens (16%) remain financially excluded

Kenyans in the richest households are three times as likely to have taken a loan and twice as likely to have a bank account than those in the poorest households.


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishkenya2016
Uwezo Kenya 2016: Teachers are unevenly distributed in favor of urban and agriculturally rich areas

Uwezo at Twaweza finds that 8% of Class 8 children cannot do Class 2 work.


press-release publicationspartner-contentenglishkenya2016
1 out of 5 citizens (22%) has a bank account, up from 19% in 2014

At the same time, 1 in 6 citizens (14%) remain financially excluded.


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2016
Money Matters

One out of five citizens (22%) have an individual or joint bank account, up from 19% in 2014. Access to bank accounts varies significantly between different groups.


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2016
Money matters

Eight out of ten Kenyans (84%) are financially included in that they have a bank or mobile money account, an insurance product, or a loan from a formal institution.


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishkenya2016
Mwananchi mmoja kati ya watano (asilimia 22) ana huduma ya kibenki idadi ambayo imeongezeka kutoka asilimia 19 ya mwaka 2014

Mwananchi mmoja kati ya watano yaani asilimia 22; ana akaunti benki yake mwenyewe au ya ushirikana mtu mwingine.


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2017
Wananchi 7 kati ya 10 wangependa vyombo vya habari vitangaze maovu ya serikali

Wananchi 7 kati ya 10 wangependa vyombo vya habari vitangaze maovu ya serikali ila 3 kati ya 10 wanahofia utoaji wa taarifa hizo utaathiri nchi


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2017
What do citizens think about media freedoms in Tanzania?

Sauti za Wananchi and Afrobarometer data show strong citizen support for media’s role in helping them hold government to account.


factsheet publicationssauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2016
7 out of 10 citizens think that media should report on government mistakes and corruption

3 out of 10 think that this can harm the country.


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2016
Uwezo goes to schools

The idea is to test slightly higher level skills at schools to test the capabilities of the Uwezo data collection infrastructure and to understand teachers’ expectations of their students’ performance and share actual results with them.


monitoring-brief publicationslearning-and-strategyenglishregional2017
Reality Check

Following the introduction of fee free education up to secondary level, 50% of citizens say the quality of education has improved. At the same time 35% think the quality has stayed the same while 15% think it has become worse.

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publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglish kiswahilitanzania2016
Wananchi wanasema ubora wa elimu umeongezeka tangu kuanzishwa kwa mfumo wa elimu bila malipo ya ada.

Watanzania 6 kati ya 10 wangewapeleka watoto wao shule binafsi kama wangekuwa na uwezo.


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2016
50% think that quality has improved since the introduction of fee free education

At the same time, 6 out of 10 citizens would send their children to private school if they could.


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2016
Hali Halisi

Maoni ya wananchi kuhusu juhudi za serikali ya awamu ya tano katika kuboresha elimu kwa kuongeza madawati, elimu bila malipo na ruzuku zinazotumwa moja kwa moja mashuleni.


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2016
The roots of radicalization

The majority of Kenyans (70%) feel that Kenya Defense Forces (KDF) troops should be withdrawn from Somalia. Just over half of citizens (53%) want the troops to be deployed to Kenyan borders.


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishkenya2016
Seven out of ten citizens want the Kenya Defence Forces to withdraw from Somalia

But only 1 out of 50 think that this will help to counter the appeal of radical groups.


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishkenya2016
7 out of 10 citizens fear there might be violence during the 2017 General Elections

However, three out of ten citizens (28%) are not worried about the possibility of violence in the upcoming elections.


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishkenya2016
Are we safe?

As elections draw near, 70% of citizens report being afraid that the country may experience violence during the 2017 general elections. Almost half (44%) are very afraid of this possibility.


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishkenya2016
The status of our healthcare sector: A citizen diagnosis

Half of citizens feel that Kenya’s health care system has major problems with the cost and availability of drugs cited as significant challenges but two thirds (68%) of Kenyans do not have health insurance.


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishkenya2016
Access to Information: Do Ugandans know?

1 out of 10 Ugandans has heard of the Access to Information Act (ATI). Of those who are aware of the Act, 85% understand its meaning and purpose.


monitoring-brief publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement learning-and-strategyenglishtanzania2016
Thirst to Learn

A short introduction to Twaweza’s randomized trial in education


Thirst to Learn

A short introduction to Twaweza randomized trial in education


Almost all citizens (95%) think they should be free to criticize the government

And 7 out of 10 (69%) prefer democracy as the best form of government.


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2016
Democracy, dictatorship and demonstrations

Almost all citizens (95%) think that they should be free to criticize the government when they believe it has done something wrong. Seven out of ten citizens (69%) agree that democracy is their preferred form of government.

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publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglish kiswahilitanzania2016
The People’s President?

The majority of citizens report that they think there have been improvements in almost all public services under the fifth phase government.

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publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglish kiswahilitanzania2016
Wananchi wanakubali hatua zinazochukuliwa na serikali mpya

Wananchi wanakubali hatua zinazochukuliwa na serikali mpya, hususani kuhusu uondoaji wa wafanyakazi hewa, sera ya elimu bure na usimamishwaji wa watumishi wa serikali kutokana na makosa mbalimbali.


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2016
Rais wa watu?

Maoni ya wananchi katika miezi ya awali ya uongozi wa Rais Magufuli. Je, ni vitendo gani vya Rais ambavyo vimejipatia umaarufu mkubwa?


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2016
Citizens approve of the removal of ghostworkers, free primary education and the dismissal of public servants

But they disapprove of the sugar import ban and price directive.


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2016
Half of citizens (47%) feel that Kenya’s healthcare sector has major problems

Cost and availability of drugs are cited as significant challenges.


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishkenya2016
Nyota njema huonekana asubuhi

Wananchi wanao ufahamu kuhusu ubora na upatikanaji wa huduma za afya pamoja na wahudumu wake ambao umeongezeka tangu 2015 kutokana na ripoti za wananchi.


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2016
What’s going on in our schools?

8 out of 10 citizens (81%) think that they have a role to play in improving the quality of education in the country. And in some ways they are actively fulfilling their obligations: 8 out of 10 citizens visit their children’s school and discuss learning with teachers at least once a term.


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishkenya2016
According to citizen reports, healthworkers’ presence and quality of service have improved since 2015

But lack of medicine and other essential supplies continues to be a major challenge.


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2016
Upatikanaji wa huduma za afya na wahudumu wake umeongezeka tangu 2015 kutokana na ripoti za wananchi

Ni asilimia 18 wananchi wanaoripoti kuona upungufu wa madaktari katika vituo vya afya miezi mitatu iliyopita, ukilinganisha na asilimia 43 walioliona tatizo hili mwaka 2015


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2016
Signs of recovery?

Just one out of five citizens (18%) say that doctor absenteeism has been an issue in their local health facility in the past three months.

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publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglish kiswahilitanzania2016
1 out of 2 Kenyans claim they have heard about the changes taking place in education

3 out of 10 think students should have an open forum to air their grievances.


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishkenya2016
Uwezo Uganda 2016: Are Our Children Learning?

Nationally, 3 out of 10 pupils in P3-P7 can do Class 2 work. Although learning outcomes are poor across the country, there are stark inequalities between groups and locations. Household, school and locational factors seem to have the most effect on learning.


publications reportpartner-content voice-and-participationenglishuganda2016
3 out of 4 Kenyans report that all children in their communities with disabilities are not in secondary school

Most Kenyans do not think that there are accessible services and facilities in the country.


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishkenya2016
Masuala ya Muungano

Nusu ya wananchi wa Tanzania Bara hawafahamu kilichojiri Zanzibar tangu uchaguzi mkuu.


factsheet publicationssauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2016
Pity versus power?

Significant portions of Kenyans report that all the children who have disabilities in their communities are not in school.


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishkenya2016
Union Affairs

More than half of citizens on the Mainland (53%) report that they do not know what happened in Zanzibar between October 2015 and March 2016.


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2016
Half of Mainland citizens do not know what has happened in Zanzibar since the last election

4 out of 10 think the re-elected President should be accepted as legitimate.


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2016
Nusu ya wananchi wa Tanzania Bara hawafahamu kilichojiri Zanzibar tangu uchaguzi mkuu

Nusu ya wananchi wa Tanzania Bara hawafahamu kilichojiri Zanzibar tangu uchaguzi mkuu; wananchi 4 kati ya 10 wanasema Rais aliyechaguliwa kwenye uchaguzi mpya akubalike kuwa Rais halali


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2016

Watanzania walio wengi (79%) hawakubaliani na maamuzi ya serikali ya kusitisha matangazo ya moja kwa moja ya vikao vya Bunge kupitia runinga na redio.


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2016

The majority of citizens (79%) disapprove or strongly disapprove of the government’s decision to ban live television and radio coverage of Parliament. Almost all citizens (92%) do think that it is important that Parliament be aired live.


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2016
8 out of 10 citizens disapprove of the ban on live coverage of Parliament

.9 out of 10 think that it is important that Parliament be aired live


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2016
Wananchi 8 kati ya 10 wanapinga uamuzi wa serikali wa kusitisha matangazo ya moja kwa moja ya vikao vya Bunge

Wananchi 8 kati ya 10 wanapinga uamuzi wa serikali wa kusitisha matangazo ya moja kwa moja ya vikao vya Bunge; wananchi 9 kati ya 10 wanasema gharama za kuyarusha matangazo hayo si hoja


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2016
Uwezo Uganda 2015: Learning outcomes in Uganda remain low, static and inequitable

Education system needs better distribution and use of limited resources, and a focus on inclusiveness.


press-release publicationspartner-contentenglishuganda2016
Uwezo Kenya 2016: Are Our Children Learning?

Despite marked progress in increasing access to education across Kenya in recent years, Kenya has not fully met its commitments under the Education for All Goals.


presentations publicationspartner-content voice-and-participationenglishkenya2016
Uwezo Kenya 2016: Are Our Children Learning?

Uwezo data highlight some critical issues in terms of teacher distribution. The teacher/classroom (stream) ratio is low. On average, there were 12 teachers for every school with 10 classrooms (streams).


data-resourcepartner-content voice-and-participationenglishkenya2016
Into the light

Citizens are most confident about getting information on how to formally complain about a broken water point: 4 out of 10 (42%) think they could get this information. When it comes to more sensitive information, citizens are even less confident: only 27% think they would be given information on how to report corruption.


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishkenya2016
Uwezo Kenya 2016: Are Our Children Learning?

On average, 30 out of 100 Class 3 pupils can do Class 2 work, while 8 out of 100 pupils in Class 8 cannot.


publications reportpartner-contentenglishkenya2016
More than 8 out of 10 Kenyans think their opinion doesn’t matter to authorities

At both County and National levels citizens feel excluded.


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishkenya2016
Mobile Phone Panel Surveys in Developing Countries

Twaweza and the World Bank have jointly produced a handbook on mobile phone panel surveys.


publications research-brieflearning-and-strategy sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2016

Ingawa sheria inaipa mamlaka serikali kulifungia gazeti bila kuhojiwa, asilimia 91 ya wananchi wanasema kabla ya gazeti kufungiwa suala hilo lijadiliwe kwanza mahakamani.


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2016
91% ya wananchi wanadhani kabla ya serikali kulifungia gazeti, gazeti hilo lipate nafasi ya kutetewa mahakamani

Wananchi wanaunga mkono haki ya kupata habari, ambapo wananchi 8 kati ya 10 wanasema hatua hiyo inaweza kupunguza vitendo viovu na rushwa.


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2016
Into the light

While long-term legislation allows the government to unilaterally ban newspapers, 91% of citizens think that any ban should first be justified and defended in Court.


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2016
Sauti za Wananchi Tanzania: How does it work?

A simplified view of the methodology for our pioneering Sauti za Wananchi mobile phone survey.


videosauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania
Annual Report 2015

Highlights from our work in 2015 – challenges, failures, successes and insights


publications reportour-governanceenglishregional2016
91% of citizens think that Government newspaper bans need to be defended in court

Citizens are broadly supportive of access to information with 8 out of 10 saying it would reduce corruption and wrong doing.


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2016
Uwezo Tanzania 2016: Malnutrition and learning outcomes

In Songea Urban, 1 out of 4 children under 5 have severe malnutrition while in Musoma Urban and Tabora Urban less than 1 out of 200 do.


presentations publicationspartner-content voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2016
Schools, funds and learning

The proportion of Ugandans who have heard of the Capitation Grant (a government policy of funding allocated to public schools, per student per year) increased from 10% in January 2014 to 35% in March 2015. It is plausible that a Twaweza-supported mass media initiative in partnership with Vision Group contributed to the increase.


monitoring-brief publicationslearning-and-strategyenglishtanzania2016
What do Tanzanians know and think about Twaweza?

In 2015 particularly, Twaweza’s election poll received very wide coverage – but while the media noise can seem very loud in urban areas, we wondered how much do ordinary citizens know about us, the campaigns that we implement, and what do they think of them?


monitoring-brief publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement learning-and-strategyenglishtanzania2016
Sauti za Wananchi launched in Kenya

Kenyans are overwhelmingly positive about devolution: 47% strongly agree and 35% agree with the statement ‘I support devolution in Kenya.’


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishkenya2016
8 out of 10 Kenyans support devolution

And more are willing to pay taxes to county governments than to the national government.


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishkenya2016
Sauti za Wananchi Kenya: How does it work?

A simplified view of the methodology for our pioneering Sauti za Wananchi mobile phone survey.


videosauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishkenya
Uwezo Toolkit: 01 Introduction

The first of six videos comprising the Uwezo toolkit, providing tips and guidance for those interested in, or wishing to replicate the Uwezo assessment


videoadvocacy-and-engagement partner-content voice-and-participationenglishregional2016
Uwezo Toolkit: 02 Partners and Volunteers

The second of six videos comprising the Uwezo toolkit, providing tips and guidance for those interested in, or wishing to replicate the Uwezo assessment


videoadvocacy-and-engagement partner-content voice-and-participationenglishregional2016
Uwezo Toolkit: 03 Sampling

The third of six videos comprising the Uwezo toolkit, providing tips and guidance for those interested in, or wishing to replicate the Uwezo assessment


videoadvocacy-and-engagement partner-content voice-and-participationenglishregional2016
Uwezo Toolkit: 04 Testing and Grading a Child

The fourth of six videos comprising the Uwezo toolkit, providing tips and guidance for those interested in, or wishing to replicate the Uwezo assessment.


videoadvocacy-and-engagement partner-content voice-and-participationenglishregional2016
Uwezo Toolkit: 05 Ensuring Data Quality

The fifth of six videos comprising the Uwezo toolkit, providing tips and guidance for those interested in, or wishing to replicate the Uwezo assessment


videoadvocacy-and-engagement partner-content voice-and-participationenglishregional2016
Uwezo Toolkit: 06 Communicating Evidence

The sixth of six videos comprising the Uwezo toolkit, providing tips and guidance for those interested in, or wishing to replicate the Uwezo assessment.


videoadvocacy-and-engagement partner-content voice-and-participationenglishregional2016
Want to know if children are learning? A toolkit from Uwezo

To introduce the ideas and concepts of Uwezo and the methodology for citizen-led assessments, Uwezo have produced this six part toolkit on the key aspects of their process.


publications reportpartner-contentenglishregional2016
A New Dawn?

Citizens’ views on new policies being implemented in education. Three ou of four believe that making education fee-free will improve quality.


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2016
Mwanga Mpya?

Asilimia 89 ya wazazi wanasema wanatoa michango ya fedha kugharamia elimu ya watoto wao waliopo shule za umma.


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2016
Asilimia 76 wanaamini kuwa elimu bure itakuwa elimu bora

Asilimia 88 ya wananchi wote wanaamini kuwa ahadi ya elimu bure itatekelezwa katika muda uliopangwa; hii ikionesha dhahiri kuwa wananchi wana imani na ahadi hiyo


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2016
Asilimia 95 ya wananchi wanathamini uwezo wa kuikosoa serikali

Na wananchi 7 kati ya 10 wanasema demokrasia ndiyo mfumo bora wa utawala


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2016
Demokrasia, udikteta na maandamano

Demokrasia na uhuru wa kutoa maoni ni vitu viwili vinavyothaminiwa sana na wananchi. Asilimia 69 wanakubali kuwa demokrasia ni mfumo bora wa utawala.


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2016
3 out of 4 citizens believe that free education will improve quality

Currently, 9 out of 10 parents pay some contribution towards public education.


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2016
Annual Plan 2016

Looking forward to the year ahead – Twaweza’s plans for 2016.


publications reportour-governanceenglishregional2016
Twaweza experiments with direct Capitation Grants and teacher Cash on Delivery

The aim is to examine the effectiveness of (1) teacher “Cash on Delivery”, a teacher bonus that depends on the skills that students in their class master; and (2) sending Capitation Grants in full directly to the school bank accounts; relative to “business as usual”, represented by a control group.


publications research-briefkiufunzaenglishtanzania2016
Making headlines in 2015

Twaweza had overall a strong media presence in 2015, with a total of 664 unique pieces of media coverage. Our media presence continues to be stronger in Tanzania as compared to Kenya and Uganda.


monitoring-brief publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement learning-and-strategyenglishuganda2016
Is civic space in Tanzania shrinking?

The core of this analysis rests on the triangulation of various sources (international and national) on the current status of each of the five dimensions of civic space in Tanzania, as protected by the law and as executed in practice.


monitoring-brief publicationslearning-and-strategyenglishuganda2016
Learning in mother tongues | JiElimishe

A review of the language policies in education and proposed solutions for the curent challenges in Tanzania.


presentations publicationspartner-contentenglishtanzania2016
Twaweza Audited Financial Statements 2015

Full transparency on all our income and expenditure in 2015


publications reportour-governanceenglishregional2016
Nine out of ten citizens think Tanzania is secure

But half believe that marginalization is causing the rise of radical groups and that a military solution is the best way to address this


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2015
A large majority of citizens (88%) think that Tanzania is safe and secure

At the same time, just 6 out of 10 citizens (61%) think that East Africa as a whole is secure.


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2015
Radicalism on the rise?

A large majority of citizens (88%) think that Tanzania is safe and secure. At the same time, just 6 out of 10 citizens (61%) think that East Africa as a whole is secure.


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2015
Ni mwananchi mmoja tu kati ya watatu anayepata maji ya bomba

Mwaka mmoja baada ya utekelezaji wa Matokeo Makubwa Sasa, wengi hawajaona mabadiliko yoyote katika sekta ya maji


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2015
Only 1 out of 3 citizens have access to piped water

One year after implementation of Big Results Now in water sector, citizens report no change


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2015
Nusu Nusu?

Ni wananchi wasiozidi wanne kati ya kumi ndio wanapata maji ya bomba. Wengi huchota maji kutoka kwenye visima na madimbwi


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2015
Learning Note 7: What’s all the buzz about learning in T&A?

A great cast of characters and a dynamic format meant there was enriching sharing of experiences


presentations publicationslearning-and-strategyenglishregional2015
Half empty or half full?

Just over one out of three citizens (36%) has access to piped water.


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2015
Rushwa na Uadilifu (Mkikimkiki)

Takwimu kuhusu mada ya leo ya mdahalo wa Mkikimkiki ya Jumapili tarehe 4 Oktoba.


videoadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchikiswahilitanzania2015
Let the people speak!

What are the issues that matter most to Tanzanian voters? Have MPs delivered on the promises they made in previous elections? Which political parties and politicians are most (or least) popular?


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2015
Mkikimkiki 2015 – Uchumi na Usawa

Takwimu kuhusu mada ya mdahalo ya leo, tarehe 27 ya Septemba – Mkikimkiki 2015


videoadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchikiswahilitanzania2015
CCM ndio chama kinachopendwa zaidi na wananchi

Takwimu zinaonyesha kwamba wananchi hawaelewi nafasi rasmi ya Ukawa


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2015
CCM is still the most popular party in the country

More than 6 out of 10 citizens (62%) report that they feel closest to CCM out of all political parties


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2015
Takwimu kuhusu Zanzibar (Mkikimkiki)

Mdahalo na Wagombea Urais Zanzibar


videoadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchikiswahilitanzania2015
Mkikimkiki 2015 – Elimu na Afya

Mambo muhimu kutoka mdahalo ya Mkikimkiki 2015, mada ni elimu na afya


videoadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchikiswahilitanzania2015
Learning Note 6: Citizen perspectives on politics from a qualitative study (part 2)

Most citizens express deep distrust of politicians and say that they are not interested in politics


presentations publicationslearning-and-strategyenglishtanzania2015
So long and thanks for all the fun

Special thanks to our advisory board for all the support, advice, patience and guidance


Huduma za Jamii Elimu na Afya (Mkikimkiki)

Takwimu kuhusu mada ya Mkikimkiki ya leo, Jumapili tarehe 13 Septemba


videoadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchikiswahilitanzania2015
Learning Note 5: Citizen perspectives on politics a qualitative study in context of national elections (part 1)

By understanding citizen behavior, we can better understand how citizens develop political beliefs and habits.


presentations publicationslearning-and-strategyenglishtanzania2015
Matarajio Lukuki?

Ni asilimia 7 tu wanaoijua TPDC na wanaweza kuelezea kazi zake (takwimu hazijaoneshwa).


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2015
Great Expectations

6 out of 10 citizens (59%) think that the natural gas deposits will improve their lives and a similar number (58%) expect that the Government will invest gas revenue into public services


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2015
From hamsters to citizens

Aidan Eyakuze, incoming Executive Director of Twaweza, interviews Rakesh Rajani, outgoing Founder on life in New York, accountability organisations and what motivates him


It’s all about love

Rakesh Rajani, outgoing Founder of Twaweza, interviews Aidan Eyakuze, incoming Executive Director on why he joined and what he expects


Water Questionnaire

Household Questionnaire


data-resourcesauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2015
Maoni ya wananchi kuhusu siasa

Afya, maji na elimu ndio changamoto kuu kwa wananchi


presentations publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2015
Sema Mwananchi Sema!

Watu 6 kati ya 10 walitaja afya (59%) kuwa ni miongoni mwa matatizo matatu makuu na ukosefu wa maji (46%), elimu duni (44%)


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2015
Do they know?

Almost half of all citizens (46%) report that policies are most important determining their choice of President. No other issue was nearly as important: the next most popular criteria was morality and ethics, mentioned by 17% of citizens.


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2015
Je, wajua?

Asilimia 51 wana imani na uwezo wa Tume ya Taifa ya Uchaguzi katika kuhakikisha uchaguzi unakuwa huru na wa haki.


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2015
Wananchi watazingatia zaidi sera wakati wa kuchamgua Rais

Asilmia 65 ya wananchi wanaamini kuwa mgombea mwenye sera nzuri atashinda, ikilinganishwa na asilimia 35 wanaoamini kuwa mgombea mwenye fedha nyingi ndio atakayeshinda.


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2015
Almost half of citizens care most about policies when choosing the next President

Citizens report that wealth and religion of the candidate play no part in their choice.


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2015
Dini na utajiri si vigezo muhimu kwa wapiga kura

Wananchi watazingatia zaidi sera wakati wa kuchamgua Rais.


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2015
Citizens report that wealth and religion of the candidate play no part in their choice

Almost half of citizens care most about policies when choosing the next President.


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2015
Citizens expect four million jobs and 7.5 million shillings each from gas deposits

Data show that citizens are ill-informed about the sector and relevant policies.


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2015
Wananchi hawana taarifa sahihi kuhusu sekta ya gesi na sera husika

Wengi wanatarajia ajira milioni nne na shilingi milioni 7.5 kwa kila mtu.


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2015
Data show that citizens are ill-informed about the sector and relevant policies

Citizens expect four million jobs and 7.5 million shillings each from gas deposits


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2015
Uwezo Uganda 2015: Are Our Children Learning?

On average, among all children tested in Primary 3 to Primary 7, two out of three pupils (67%) are unable to read and solve division at Primary 2 level.


publications reportpartner-contentenglishuganda2015
ITV Interview 18 Aug 2015

Majadiliano juu ya matokeo ya kujifunza ya watoto wa shule za msingi nchini Tanzania


videoadvocacy-and-engagement voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2015
TBC Jambo Tanzania 18 Aug 2015

Majadiliano juu ya matokeo ya kujifunza ya watoto wa shule za msingi nchini Tanzania


videoadvocacy-and-engagement voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2015
Uwezo East Africa 2015: Are Our Children Learning?

Overall learning inequalities (among districts and schools) are highest in Keny and lowest in Uganda, while inequalities along socio-economic status are again highest in Kenya and lowest in Tanzania.


monitoring-brief publicationspartner-content voice-and-participationenglishregional2015
Political Poll Household Data 2015 (excel)

Household Data 2015 (excel)


data-resourcesauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2015
Political Poll Household Data 2015 (STATA)

Household Data 2015 (STATA)


data-resourcesauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2015
Political Poll – Household Datamap (excel)

Household Datamap (excel)


data-resourcesauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2015
Political Poll Questionnaire

Political Poll


data-resourcesauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2015
Uwezo Kenya 2015: Nationally, learning outcomes are low, 3 out of 10 in Class 3 can do Class 2 work

In Nyeri, the best performing county, 6 in 10 Class 3 pupils have basic numeracy and literacy skills


press-release publicationspartner-content voice-and-participationenglishkenya2015
Learning Note 4: Measuring impacts of Makutano Junction

This post examines the measures used in research asking whether mass communication contributes to positive behavior change among citizens?


presentations publicationslearning-and-strategyenglishkenya2015
Uwezo Kenya 2015: Summary – Are Our Children Learning?

Facts about learning outcomes and schools in Kenya.


factsheet publicationspartner-contentenglishkenya2015
Wazazi wengi wanataka watoto wao wafundishwe kwa lugha ya Kiingereza

Wazazi 9 kati ya 10 wanakiri kuwa ya kubadilishwa kwa lugha ya kufundishia kunawaletea watoto matatizo


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2015
Most Tanzanian parents want children to be taught in English throughout school

9 out of 10 say children face difficulties changing languages between primary and secondary


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2015
Ufunguo wa Maisha?

Mwananchi mmoja kati ya wawili anaamini kwamba kujua kusoma na kuandika ni stadi muhimu kwa wanaomaliza elimu ya sekondari.


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2015
The Key to Life?

One in two citizens believes that being able to read and write is the most important skill for secondary school graduates


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2015
Ugandan youth on music, self efficacy and agency

The idea was to try to balance between a commercial entertainment-only concert and conventional social-minded communication.


monitoring-brief publicationslearning-and-strategyenglishuganda2015
Singing for change?

In 2014 Twaweza Uganda engaged with a number of partners to execute a country-wide communication campaign promoting positive social change among youth (aged between 18 and 30).


monitoring-brief publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement learning-and-strategyenglishuganda2015
Learning Note 3: Motivating civic participation

Does compelling mass communication contribute to positive behavior change among citizens?


presentations publicationsour-governance partner-contentenglishkenya2014
Most Tanzanians support an Access to Information law

Most Tanzanians want officials to be punished if they don’t provide the information requested.


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2015
Uwezo Uganda 2015: In public and private schools, children are not learning as they should

Nursery school, literate mothers and parental involvement in education all appear to lead to better learning outcomes


press-release publicationspartner-content voice-and-participationenglishuganda2015
Learning by un-doing: the magic of immersion

This year we were in Eastern Uganda. Fifty of us fanned out accross three districts to ‘immerse’ ourselves in other people’s realities.


monitoring-brief publicationslearning-and-strategyenglishregional2015
Twaweza Evaluation: Management Response Letter

The overall objective of the evaluation wasto provide a comprehensive summary and aggregation of Twaweza’s Tanzania-based activities over the 2009-2014 period


publications reportlearning-and-strategy our-governanceenglishtanzania2015
Learning Note 2: A peek inside a panel survey

A look behind the scenes of Twaweza’s ongoing panel survey in Tanzania.


presentations publicationslearning-and-strategy our-governance partner-contentenglishtanzania2015
Uwezo Tanzania 2015: Watoto 3 tu kati ya 10 wa darasa la 3 ndio uwezo wa kufaulu mtihani wa darasa la 2

Wilaya ya Mbeya mjini inoongoza kwa ufaulu. Watoto 3 kati ya 4 (wenye miaka 9-13) wa wilaya hiyo wana uwezo stahiki wa kusoma na kuhesabu


press-release publicationspartner-content voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2015
Uwezo Tanzania 2015: Nationally, learning outcomes are still low, 3 out of 10 in Standard 3 can do Standard 2 work

In Mbeya Urban, the best performing district, 3 out of 4 children (aged 9-13) have basic literacy and numeracy skills


press-release publicationspartner-content voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2015
Watanzania wengi wanaunga mkono sheria ya upatikanaji wa habari

Wananchi nane kati ya kumi wanaamini taarifa za mamlaka za umma zinapaswa kupatikana kwa wananchi wa kawaida (77%).


press-release publicationssauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2015
Learning Note 1: Follow-up survey of Tanzanian communities

Twaweza’s large scale follow up survey across Tanzania is now in the field. Here’s why we are doing it.


presentations publicationslearning-and-strategy our-governanceenglishtanzania2015
Twaweza Immersion 2015

As Twaweza, we straddle both the policy and citizen space. Immersion allows us to focus on the lived realities of ordinary citizens


publications reportour-governanceenglishregional2015
Machoni mwa Umma

Asilimia 84 ya wananchi wanaunga mkono kupitishwa kwa muswada wa sheria ya upatikanaji wa taarifa.


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2015
In the public eye

A large majority of citizens (84%) support the passage of an access to information law.


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2015
Uwezo Tanzania 2015: Assessment reveals wide disparities within and between countries

Top district in East Africa for learning outcomes is Mbeya Urban in Tanzania, but overall Kenya outperforms Tanzania and Uganda


press-release publicationspartner-content voice-and-participationenglishregional2015
Has the expansion in access to schooling led to increased learning?

This overview paper explains a series of studies to evaluate Uwezo, summarizes the main findings that arose from it and situates Uwezo within other recent research trends and findings on the importance of information in promoting citizen action, and the link between citizens, authorities, and patterns of accountability.


publications research-brieflearning-and-strategyenglishregional2015
Theft, youth gangs, election violence affect many citizens

Three out of ten citizens (30%) have experienced theft in the last year. Overall half of Tanzanians have ever had something stolen from them


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2015
Uhalifu na vurugu wa makundi ya vijana kuelekea uchaguzi huathiri wananchi

Wananchi watatu kati ya kumi (30%) wameshakukumbana na wizi ndani ya kipindi cha mwaka jana. Kwa ujumla, nusu ya Watanzania wote wamewahi kuibiwa


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2015
Annual Report 2014

Highlights from our work in 2014 – challenges, failures, successes and insights


publications reportour-governanceenglishregional2015
Citizen’s views on security and justice

Half of the citizens have experienced theft, three out of ten in the past year


presentations publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2015
Uwezo Tanzania 2015: Launch of the Fourth Annual Learning Assessment Report

Fewer than 5 out of 10 Standard 3 children (45%) can read a Standard 2 Kiswahili story


presentations publicationspartner-content voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2015
Usalama Wetu?

Mtu mmoja kati ya watatu amewahi kuibiwa kipindi cha mwaka mmoja uliopita.


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2015
Our Safety?

Overall half of Tanzanians have ever had something stolen from them.


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2015
Have you ever seen a Tamasha booklet?

93% of respondents had seen the booklets in use during classes at their school.


monitoring-brief publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement animation learning-and-strategyenglishtanzania2015
Kadiri muda wa kura ya maoni kuhusu Katiba Inayopendekezwa unavyowadia, wananchi hawajaamua “ndiyo” au “hapana”

Zaidi ya nusu yao (asilimia 52) wanasema wataunga mkono Katiba Inayopendekezwa


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2015
As referendum deadline draws near, citizens are undecided about their vote

As the deadline to hold a referendum on the proposed constitution draws near, citizens’ views are largely split.


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2015
Did we make it happen? An evaluation of Twaweza’s first strategic period

We are committed to asking ourselves hard questions about the success of our first strategic period. So, with support from one of our top partners and funders, the Swedish International Development Agency (Sida), we conducted an external evaluation of the first strategic period of the entire Tanzania program.


monitoring-brief publicationslearning-and-strategyenglishregional2015
Twaweza Evaluation: Tanzania 2009 – 2014

Did we make it happen? An evaluation of Twaweza’s first strategic period


publications reportlearning-and-strategy our-governanceenglishtanzania2015
Uwezo Kenya 2015: Are Our Children Learning?

Fewer than 4 out of 10 Class 3 children can read a Class 2 Kiswahili story while in the same class, 2 out of 10 cannot read a Kiswahili word while in Class 8, 4 out of 100 children cannot read a Class 2 Kiswahili story.


publications reportpartner-content voice-and-participationenglishkenya2015
Kuelekea Kura ya Maoni

Mtu mmoja kati ya wawili Tanzania Bara (asilimia 52) ana mpango wa kuiunga mkono Katiba Inayopendekezwa atakapopiga Kura ya Maoni


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2015
What did we learn about learning?

This video was created as part of an online course on citizen engagement


videoadvocacy-and-engagement learning-and-strategy partner-contentenglishregional2015
Kingo Magazine : Is humor effective in educating the public?

The message of citizen’s participation and responsibility in bringing change was well understood and considered to be the central idea raised by the magazine


monitoring-brief publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement learning-and-strategyenglishtanzania2015
Three Presidents

XYZ Media produced a fictional animated conversation between Presidents about the latest Uwezo findings.


The East African Classroom

Partners, XYZ Media, created an animated take of three presidents in a classroom.


Towards the Referendum

Are citizens aware of the controversy surrounding the proposed draft? Do they support the opposition’s attempts to block the process? How do they feel about the changes made between the drafts?


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2015
Wananchi wanaiona rushwa kama upotevu wa fedha zao na wangependa Rais achukue hatua

Zaidi ya nusu ya wananchi (55%) wanaamini kuwa aina hii ya rushwa inagusa sana maisha ya yao ya kila siku


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2015
Citizens see corruption as loss of their money and want the President to act

Almost six out of ten (57%) believe that the President is responsible for following up on audit issues


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2015
Do young people act to make a difference?

It is also a common belief that voting is the only way in which people can have a say in how the government runs


monitoring-brief publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement learning-and-strategyenglishuganda2015
Guardians of Accountability

Only one out of twenty (6%) think that those found to be corrupt should be banned from public office and one out of six (15%) think they should be imprisoned


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2015
Water Household Data 2015 (excel)

Household Data 2015 (excel)


data-resourcesauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2015
Water Household Data 2015 (STATA)

Household Data 2015 (STATA)


data-resourcesauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2015
Water Household Datamap 2015 (excel)

Household Datamap 2015 (excel)


data-resourcesauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2015
2015-2018 – Twaweza East Africa Strategy

We have learned much, and have made some significant changes, which we outline in this new strategy – covering 2015-2018.


publications reportour-governanceenglishregional2015
Uwezo Uganda 2015: Summary – Are Our Chldren Learning?

7 out of 10 assessed in primary 7 were able to read and comprehend a primary 2 level story and correctly solve primary 2 level division


factsheet publicationspartner-content voice-and-participationenglishuganda2015
Citizen-led assessments and their effects on parents’ behavior

Despite enthusiasm for citizen-led assessments of learning outcomes, we know little about their impact on citizen action or learning outcomes


publications reportlearning-and-strategy partner-contentenglishregional2015
Do booklets on key issues reach citizens?

85% of the respondents received at least one of the three distributed LHRC booklets


monitoring-brief publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement partner-contentenglishtanzania2015
The power of informal cinema: Distributing content to video halls

Among the 185 video hall operators surveyed, 96% purchase movies from video libraries, while 18% purchase movies from movie distributors (Twaweza partners)


monitoring-brief publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement learning-and-strategyenglishuganda2015
Walezi wa Uwajibikaji

Zaidi ya mwananchi mmoja kati ya kumi anatambua au anaweza kuelezea kwa usahihi kazi za taasisi mbalimbali za usimamizi


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2015
Twaweza and Uwezo Annual Plan 2015

Looking forward to the year ahead – Twaweza’s plans for 2015.


publications reportour-governance partner-contentenglishregional2015
Uwezo Tanzania 2015: Are Our Children Learning?

While 100% of children in Standard 3 should be able to read basic English and Kiswahili stories, and do simple mathematics of class two level , a new citizen-led assessment report reveals that very few are able to do so.


publications reportpartner-contentenglishtanzania2015
Twaweza and Uwezo 2014 Audited Financial Statements

Full transparency on all our income and expenditure in 2014


publications reportour-governanceenglishregional2015
Uwezo Audited Financial Statements 2014

Uwezo’s financial statements are subjected to independent audit each year. Once approved by the Board, these are disclosed to the public


publications reportour-governance partner-contentenglishregional2014
Twaweza Audited Financial Statements 2014

Twaweza’s financial statements are subjected to independent audit each year. Once approved by the Board, these are disclosed to the public


publications reportour-governanceenglishtanzania2014
Do interactive polls make for better radio content?

Trac FM uses mobile phone technology to collect listeners’ opinions through poll questions which are incorporated into partner radio station programs.Twaweza commissioned a study to monitor the delivery, coverage and quality of their service.


monitoring-brief publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement learning-and-strategyenglishuganda2015
Tanzania ifikapo mwaka 2025

Zaidi ya nusu ya wananchi (54%) wanafikiri kuwa maisha yao yatakuwa bora zaidi ifikapo mwaka 2025. Huu ndio mtazamo wa wananchi wakio katika makundi yote.



publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2014
Are Tanzanian’s optimistic about the future?

Citizens say service delivery, economic growth and national unity are the top priorities for the future



presentations publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2014
Watanzania wana matarajio mengi kuhusu maisha yao ya baadaye

Wananchi wanamatumaini kuwa nchi itakuwa yenye uchumi wa kati ifikapo 2025



press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2014
Tanzanians are optimistic about their future

Citizens think the country will become middle-income by 2025



press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2014
Monitoring Trac Fm Delivery among Radio Stations

At the end of 2014, we commissioned an independent monitoring exercise to assess the delivery, coverage and quality of the service that Trac FM provides to radio stations.


publications reportlearning-and-strategyenglishuganda2015
Tanzania in 2025

More than half of citizens (54%) think their lives will be better in 2025. This is true among young and old, men and women, and rural and urban residents.



publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2014
Uwezo Uganda 2014: Annual Assessment Feedback Study

84.2% of the respondents had heard of Uwezo prior to the LQAS exercise, and 89.2% also confirmed that someone had come to their household to assess the children in the previous month.


publications reportlearning-and-strategy partner-contentenglishuganda2014
Interview Star TV 14 Nov 2014

Siku moja baada ya Taasisi ya utafiti, Twaweza kutoa matokeo ya utafiti kuelekea uchaguzi mkuu ujao 2015 , wasomi na wanasiasa wa kada mbalimbali wametoa maoni yao.


videoadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2014
Who’s watching, listening and reading? Uganda survey of young people

6 out of 10 young Ugandans get their news from the radio, this is then followed by television, newspapers, then the internet


monitoring-brief publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement learning-and-strategyenglishuganda2014
Have you seen these shows? Tazama and XYZ

11% of Kenyans have ever watched the Tazama! show, and 24% have ever watched the XYZ show.


monitoring-brief publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement learning-and-strategyenglishkenya2014
Are parents involved in education?

4 out 10 young Ugandan parents never check their children’s homework


monitoring-brief publicationslearning-and-strategyenglishuganda2014
Protecting the rights of everyone

Almost half of citizens (46%) report to have witnessed discrimination in employment against people with disabilities.



publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2014
Mwaka mmoja kabla ya uchaguzi, wananchi wengi hawajaamua nani awe Rais

Watanzania wengi hawaridhiki na utendaji wa wabunge na hawatawachagua tena



press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2014
One year before elections, there is no leading contender for President

Many Tanzanians are unhappy with performance of MPs and will not re-elect them



press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2014
Tanzania kuelekea 2015

Wapiga kura wanakumbuka ahadi za Wabunge wao, ambazo nyingi hazijatekelezwa.



publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2014
Citizens overwhelmingly support integration into the East African Community

A large majority are in favour of single tourist visa, regional travel with ID card, joint infrastructure and free movement of labour



press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2014
Tanzania towards 2015

One out of three citizens (33%) on Tanzania Mainland does not know who they will vote for in the upcoming presidential election.



publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2014
Has Uwezo influenced key actors in 2013 ? Evidence from Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda.

Does our wide-reaching assessment of learning outcomes influence policies, budgets or plans in East Africa?


monitoring-brief publicationslearning-and-strategy partner-contentenglishregional2014
Wananchi waunga mkono ushirikiano wa Jumuiya ya Afrika Mashariki

Wengi wamependelea visa ya pekee ya utalii, uwezo wa kusafiri ndani ya kanda kwa kitambulisho cha taifa, miundombinu ya pamoja na uhuru wa kufanya kazi popote ndani ya Jumuiya



press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2014
What Tanzanians’ think about the East African Community

Kenya and Uganda are the most popular integration partners


presentations publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishregional2014
Hima tujenge nyumba moja!

Wananchi wanane kati ya kumi wanaamini kuwa tunapaswa kubaki mwanachama wa Jumuiya ya Africa Mashariki



publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2014
Let’s build one house!

Eight out of ten citizens (80%) think Tanzania should remain in the East African Community (EAC)



publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2014
Open Government is struggle

Twaweza Head, Rakesh Rajani, speaking at UN OGP Event, September 24, 2014


Ukwepaji Kodi Tanzania unatisha- Zitto Kabwe

Hali ya ukwepaji wa kodi Tanzania


President JK, Rakesh “condemned to work together”

A president and a ciivl society leader share the stage at the Open Government Summit 2013.


Wananchi hawaoni kama wanao uwezo wa kuishawishi Serikali

Wananchi saba kati ya kumi (71%) wanaripoti kuwa, kwa maoni yao, upigaji kura ndio njia pekee ya kuleta ushawishi kwa Serikali



press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2014
Wananchi wana uchu wa mabadiliko

Je, wananchi wanashiriki na wanaweza kuiwajibisha Serikali?


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2014
Citizens do not feel that they have influence over Government

Seven out of ten citizens (71%) think voting is the only way they have influence over Government



press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2014
Citizens making things happen

Seven out of ten citizens (70%) report that they think that have no say in what Government does


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2014
MKSS – Accounts and Accountability

The right to information movement in rural Rajasthan.


Rushwa ni jambo la kawaida kwenye huduma zote za Serikali, wanasema wananchi

Wananchi watatu kati ya watano waliombwa rushwa walipokutana mara ya mwisho na polisi



press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2014
Corruption is common in all Government services, say citizens

Three out of five citizens asked for a bribe in their last encounter with the police



press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2014
Je, juhudi za Serikali zimesaidia vita dhidi ya rushwa

Je, juhudi za Serikali zimesaidia vita dhidi ya rushwa?


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2014
Have more laws, agencies and commitments against corruption made a difference?

In recent years, Tanzania has taken a number of steps to strengthen mechanisms for controlling corruption. But do citizens see the difference?


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2014
Nini kinaendelea kwenye shule zetu?

Wananchi watafakari juu ya hali ya elimu Tanzania



publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2014
Remarks by Omari Issa, CEO, PDB

We are encouraged that, even though we are in the initial stages of BRN, as many as 15% of the respondents are aware of the programme


presentations publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2014
Wananchi wengi hawana matarajio makubwa ya watoto kujifunza shuleni

Wazazi watathmini ujuzi wa watoto japo ni wa chini ila kwa usahihi. Na wala hawaoneshi kudai kubadili hali hii katika siku zijazo


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2014
Most citizens do not expect children to learn in school

Parents have low but correct assessments of children’s skills and do not express an urge for this to change in the future


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2014
Wananchi wengi wanaamini kuwa gesi imeleta neema nchini Tanzania

Wananchi wanne kati ya watano wanaamini kuwa mafuta na gesi yatawanufaisha wao, watoto wao na nchi yao kwa ujumla


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2014
Most citizens believe that gas offers a brighter future for the country

Four out of five citizens believe that oil and gas will benefit them, their children and the country.


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2014
Uwezo Kenya 2014: Are Our Children Learning?

How is it that despite the investment we are making and with high enrolment, better attendance and more teachers, learning outcomes are not improving?


publications reportpartner-content voice-and-participationenglishkenya2014
Kusimamia Maliasili: Wananchi wanasemaje?

Wananchi wanafahamu kuhusu ugunduzi wa gesi lakini wangependa taarifa zaidi



presentations publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2014
Managing natural resources: what do citizens say?

Citizens know about gas discoveries but want more information



presentations publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2014
Kusimamia Maliasili

Watu walio wengi wana matumaini kuhusu matarajio ya gesi asilia, huku wananchi wanne kati ya watano wakiamini kuwa gesi asilia ni nzuri kwa ajili yao, watoto wao na nchi yao kwa ujumla.



publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2014
Managing natural resources

Most people are optimistic about the prospects of natural gas with four out of five believing that the natural gas is good for them, their children and the country.



publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2014
More money alone will not solve medical stock outs

Research finds that better data, accountability and public debate are required.


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2014
More money alone will not help stock outs

Political incentives – visible reform efforts & quick results are preferred by politicians (and voters)


presentations publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement learning-and-strategy partner-contentenglishtanzania2014
Kuongeza fedha pekee hakusaidii kumaliza tatizo la uhaba wa dawa

Licha ya ukosefu wa fedha za kutosha katika sekta ya afya, tatizo la kuisha kwa akiba ya dawa katika vituo vya afya halitotatuliwa kwa kuongeza rasilimali peke yake



press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement learning-and-strategy partner-contentkiswahilitanzania2014
More money alone will not help stock outs

Although citizens are aware that stock outs are a problem, they do not know what they can do to solve the problem.



press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement learning-and-strategy partner-contentenglishtanzania2014
Uwezo Tanzania 2014: Nationally, learning outcomes are still low

In Mbeya Urban, the best performing district, 3 out of 4 children (aged 9-13) have basic literacy and numeracy skills


press-release publicationspartner-contentenglishtanzania2014
Uwezo Kenya 2014: Nationally, learning outcomes are low, 3 out of 10 in Class 3 can do Class 2 work

In Nyeri, the best performing county, 6 in 10 Class 3 pupils have basic numeracy and literacy skills.


press-release publicationspartner-contentenglishkenya2014
Citizens reflect on the state of education

In 86% of Tanzanian households at least one of the children attends a primary school.


presentations publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2014
Uhaba wa dawa: nini kifanyike?

Tunahitaji kuelewa vizuri kwanini akiba ya dawa inaendelea kupungua na kubainisha ni sababu zipi za msingi zinazofanya mageuzi ya hivi karibuni yasifanikiwe.


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2014
Who listens to the voices of citizens?

Most active use was reported by respondents from the media sector, who described the briefs being used as supporting material and evidence by TV and radio presenters


monitoring-brief publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement learning-and-strategyenglishtanzania2014
Huduma na matibabu ya bure inavyowagharimu wazee na watoto

Ni mtu 1 tu kati ya watu 20 (6%) mwenye umri zaidi ya miaka 60 na ni mtoto 1 kati ya 5 (18%) mwenye umri chini ya miaka mitano ambao hupata huduma na matibabu bure katika vituo vya afya



press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2014
Children and the elderly are paying the price for free treatment and care

Only 1 out of 20 (6%) people over the age of 60 and 1 out of 5 (18%) children under five receive free treatment and care at health facilities.



press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2014
Je, vituo vya afya vipo kwa ajili ya kuwahudumia watu?

Ni mtu 1 tu kati ya watu 20 (6%) mwenye umri zaidi ya miaka 60 na ni mtoto 1 kati ya 5 (18%) mwenye umri chini ya miaka mitano ambao hupata huduma na matibabu bure katika vituo vya afya.


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2014
Rakesh Rajani at OGP Bali

Rakesh Rajani speaking at the opening plenary session of the Open Government Partnership Asia Pacific conference in Bali, Indonesia, May 2014


Uhaba wa madawa Tanzania: nini kifanyike?

Lakini mabadiliko yanachukua muda, na changamoto ya upatikanaji wa dawa muhimu inabakia kuwa suala la kudumu kwa wananchi wengi.


publications research-brieflearning-and-strategy partner-contentkiswahilitanzania2014
What role can citizens play in addressing stock outs?

Change takes time, and a lack of access to essential medicines remains a chronic issue for man


publications research-brieflearning-and-strategy partner-contentenglishtanzania2014
Je, Watanzania wana matarajio gani ya maisha yao ya baadae?

Mwananchi mmoja kati a wawili anatarajia kwamba maisha yake yatakuwa bora zaidi kati a siku zijazo



publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2014
Annual Report 2013

Stories, surprises, lessons and progress against our outcomes in 2013.


publications reportour-governanceenglishregional2013
Wananchi kutoka Zanzibar na Tanzania Bara wanataka uwajibikaji zaidi

Idadi kubwa ya Watanzania wanaunga mkono vifungu vinavyohusiana na haki ya wananchi kupata taarifa au habari, na kuongezeka kwa uwajibikaji na uwazi wa viongozi wa umma



press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2014
Citizens on Zanzibar and Mainland want more accountability

The majority of Tanzanians would vote Yes for the current draft of the constitution



press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2011 2014
Shaping debate? Assessment of Minibuzz

Many Tanzanians feel that their opinions are not heard and that it is a useless battle to try to influence policy makers.


monitoring-brief publicationsour-governanceenglishtanzania2014
Meza moja na Rais JK

Rais Dkt. Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete akizungumzia sababu za Tanzania kujiunga na Mpango wa Kimataifa wa kuhimiza shughuli za Serikali kuwa wazi zaidi kwa wananchi


Uwezo Uganda 2014: Are Our Children Learning?

Children who had attended some nursery school performed better


publications reportpartner-content voice-and-participationenglishuganda2014
What do people really think of the constitution?

The majority of Tanzanians are supportive of clauses around the public right to information, and increased accountability and transparency of public officials



publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2014
Upatikanaji wa maji safi hauboreki licha ya uwekezaji mkubwa

Upatikanaji wa maji safi hauboreki licha ya uwekezaji mkubwa


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2014
Fedha zinamiminika, maji kiduchu

Upatikanaji wa maji safi na salama ni changamoto kubwa kwa watu wengi nchini Tanzania.



publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2014
More money, less water

Access to clean water not improving despite huge investments in recent years


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2014
Money flows, water trickles

Access to clean water is a major challenge for a large number of people in Tanzania.



publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2014
At Twaweza, we see the world in two parts

Rakesh Rajani on the Twaweza view of development and the world


Rakesh Rajani talks about working with donors

Presentation for the Transparency and Accountability Initiative.


Kulinda haki za kila mtu

26% ya kaya za kitanzania zina mtu mwenye ulemavu



presentations publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2014
Nusu ya Watanzania wameshuhudia ubaguzi dhidi ya watu wenye ulemavu katika ajira

Watu binafsi na jamii kwa ujumla wanakiri kuwakosea heshima watu wenye ulemavu



press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2014
Citizens’ views on disabilities

26% of households have a someone with a disability in them


presentations publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2014
Half of all Tanzanians witnessed job discrimination against people with disabilities

Two out of ten citizens (17%) know of organisations that give preferential treatment in terms of employing people with disabilities



press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2014
Vurugu katika jamii hutokea kwa wingi zaidi kuliko wizi

Mara nyingi wananchi hawapati msaada wa polisi wanaouhitaji



press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2014
Uwezo Kenya 2014: Summary – Are Our Children Learning?

The number of out of school children is increasing gradually


factsheet publicationspartner-content voice-and-participationenglishkenya2014
Stock-outs of essential medicines in Tanzania

Tanzania has faced the huge challenge of ensuring that adequate essential medicines and supplies are available at public health facilities.


publications reportlearning-and-strategy partner-contentenglishtanzania2014
Je, Tuko Salama?

Watanzania hawafahamu namba za simu za dharura za polisi na kikosi cha zimamoto



publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2014
Are we safe?

Citizens report that most cases that they have heard of when a person is threatened, beaten, stoned or killed are carried out by a mob or individual rather than the police or the army.



publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2014
Uwezo East Africa 2014: Are Our Children Learning?

Many children across East Africa are not learning basic literacy and numeracy skills


publications reportpartner-content voice-and-participationenglishregional2014
Violence in public is much more frequent than theft

Almost half (46%) of all Tanzanians report having witnessed violence in public in the last six months as compared with one out of five (20%) who report having had something stolen from them.



press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2014
Assessment of Quality of Reporting in TMF and Twaweza Grantees

Both TMF and Twaweza generally perform better than the control group against the measured quality criteria.


publications reportadvocacy-and-engagement learning-and-strategyenglishtanzania2014
Uwezo Tanzania 2014: Are Our Children Learning?

Just 2 out of 10 pupils (19%) in standard 3 can read a Standard 2 level English story.


publications reportpartner-content voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2014
Hashuki mtu hapa! Katiba, Ardhi na Maendeleo

Kijitabu hiki kinatoa mfano wa matukio kuhusu baadhi ya harakati za wananchi waliojitolea kuzilinda haki zao za kikatiba


booklet publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement animation litigationkiswahilitanzania2014
Twende Wapi? Katiba na Afya

Kijitabu hiki kitakuwezesha kutambua maana na umuhimu wa Katiba yaani jinsi inavyogusa maisha yako


booklet publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement animation litigationkiswahilitanzania2014
Katiba ni nini? Katiba na haki

Kijitabu hiki kitakuwezesha kutambua maana na umuhimu wa Katiba yaani jinsi inavyogusa maisha yako


booklet publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement animation litigationkiswahilitanzania2014
Je, Watanzania wanaionaje katiba?

Wananchi wanawaamini wabunge kuwakilisha maslahi yao kwenye Bunge la Katiba



publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2014
Uwezo Annual Plan 2014

Extending the Uwezo strategy period by one year offers an opportunity to address key questions and explore new components regarding the Uwezo theory of change and program design


publications reportour-governance partner-contentenglishregional2014
Annual Plan 2014

We have just released our Annual Plans for 2014, both for our Uwezo initiative and our citizen engagement work


publications reportour-governanceenglishregional2014
Uwajibikaji Taasisi za Umma

Mwananchi: Tanesco, kipimo kizuri cha kutowajibikaji kwa Taasisi za Umma


videoadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchikiswahilitanzania2014
Uuzwaji Madawa Kiholela

Wananchi tunakufa kwa kujitakia?


videoadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchikiswahilitanzania2014
Kiongozi: Kumekua na usiri mkubwa mno katika Mradi wa Kigamboni

Uwazi na ushirikishwaji wa wananchi katika Miradi wa Kigamboni.


What does Kenya make of health?

Many Kenyans still do not have quality and affordable health care. Inequalities in healthcare fall along geographic, socio-economic and gender lines


monitoring-brief publicationsour-governance partner-contentenglishkenya2014
2014 Calendar – Tanzania

The idea behind the calendar is to motivate teachers about their call to serve and follow in the footsteps of the independence president of the country.


flyer publicationsadvocacy-and-engagementkiswahilitanzania2014
Uwezo Audited Financial Statements 2013

Twaweza’s financial statements are subjected to independent audit each year. Once approved by the Board, these are disclosed to the public.


publications reportour-governance partner-contentenglishregional2013
Twaweza Audited Financial Statements 2013

Full transparency on all our income and expenditure in 2013


publications reportour-governance partner-contentenglishregional2013
Wananchi wadai uwajibikaji mkubwa wa wabunge

Zaidi ya theluthi moja (36%) ya Watanzania Bara wameshiriki katika marekebisho ya katiba kupitia mikutano ya jamii, SMS, mahojiano, barua na barua pepe.



press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2013
Citizens demand greater accountability from MPs

Over a third (36%) of Tanzanians on the Mainland have participated in the constitutional review process through community meetings, SMS, interviews, letters and email.



press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2013
Twaweza Immersion 2013

Every year, we take time to immerse ourselves in communities across one of our countries of operation to learn by doing about citizen agency and government responsiveness as eperienced by citizens.


publications reportlearning-and-strategy our-governanceenglishregional2013
2013 capitation grant: more money seems to be getting to schools

Capitation grant receipts in schools in just the first quarter of 2013 are reported to be almost equal to the average that was disbursed for the whole year over the previous three years.



press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagementenglishtanzania2013
Fedha za ruzuku 2013: kiasi kikubwa cha fedha kinaripotiwa kufika shuleni

Kiasi cha fedha za ruzuku kilichopokelewa katika robo ya kwanza tu ya mwaka 2013 kinaripotiwa kuwa karibu sawa na wastani uliogawiwa kwa mwaka mzima katika miaka mitatu iliyopita.



press-release publicationssauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2013
Fedha za ruzuku katika shule za msingi

Je, fedha hizi za ruzuku ya uendeshaji wa shule zinafika shule na kwa wakati? Je, walimu na wazazi wanajua kuhusu fedha hizo?



publications research-briefadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchikiswahilitanzania2013
Muongo mmoja tangu kuanzishwa kwa fedha za ruzuku, je zinafika shuleni?

Mwaka 2002 ulikuwa ndiyo mwanzo wa Mpango wa Maendeleo ya Elimu ya Msingi (MMEM), uliokuwa hatua kubwa ya kimaendeleo na ulifungua fursa ya elimu kwa wote



publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2013
A decade since capitation grants launched, does money reach schools?

In 2002, a landmark development opened up schooling for all by abolishing school fees. Ten years later, does the money that was intended to compensate for the lack of income through fees reach schools?



publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2013
Sauti za Wananchi (voices of citizens) trailer

Sauti za Wananchi, managed by Twaweza, is Africa’s first nationally representative mobile phone survey.


videoadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2013
Bei ya dawa za kutibu malaria yabainika kuzidi ile iliyopendekezwa na Serikali

Maduka kadhaa ya dawa jijini Dar es Salaam yanaendelea kuuza dawa ya kutibu malaria kwa bei isiyo sahihi kwa dozi za watoto na watu wazima



press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement partner-contentkiswahilitanzania2013
Anti-malaria medicine sold above government recommended prices

Anti-malaria medicine is sold above government recommended prices despite a subsidy program.



press-release publicationssauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2013
Dawa zipo au zimekwisha?

Familia mbili kati ya tatu nchini Tanzania zinataarifu kwamba walau mtu mmoja katika familia hizo aliugua katika kipindi cha mwezi mmoja uliopita



publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2013
Stock out or in stock?

Two out of three families in Tanzania report that one family member was ill in the last month.



publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2013
Is Government Minding Our Health As it Devolves?

Are citizens satisfied with devolved health services?


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishkenya2013
Wananchi wameshazoea kukosekana kwa dawa, wasema wahudumu wa afya na wagonjwa

Ila wananchi wanajitahidi kutafuta njia mbadala za kujipatia dawa wanazohitaji.


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2013
Nidhamu inayojenga

Je, nidhamu inayojenga ni ipi?


publications research-briefpartner-contentkiswahilitanzania2013
Adhabu ya viboko

Je adhabu ya viboko ina madhara gani?


publications research-briefpartner-contentkiswahilitanzania2013
Drug stockouts are frequent, say health workers and patients

Drug stock outs are frequent, say health workers and patients. But citizens are finding ways to access the medicine they need.


press-release publicationssauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2013
The Price of Treating Malaria

For adult dosage, 48% of visited pharmacies do not adhere to the government recommended price for anti-malaria medication



publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2013
Gharama za kutibu Malaria

Maduka kadhaa ya dawa jijini Dar es Salaam yanaendelea kuuza dawa ya kutibu malaria kwa bei isiyo sahihi kwa dozi za watoto na watu wazima.



publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2013
Sample weights for Sauti za Wananchi

Weights are calculated for individual respondents and households in survey data in order for the weighted survey sample to represent the population of interest as closely as possible


data-resourcesauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2013
What is corporal punishment?

Why is corporal punishment bad for children?


publications research-briefpartner-contentenglishtanzania2013
Drafting the law of the land

Ordinary citizens as well as representatives of various interest groups have given their opinions on the draft constitution, creating a broad public debate.



publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2013
Je, vituo vya afya vipo kwa manufaa ya wananchi?

Wananchi hukabiliana na changamoto hizi kila siku. Watu watatu kati ya watano hawaridhiki nayo



publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2013
Do health facilities work for people?

More than half (57%) of Tanzanians visited a health facility between May and June 2013, either to seek treatment or to accompany a patient.



publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2013
Personalities trump policies

Almost all (97%) citizens recognise a picture of H.E. President Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete, while less than 1 out of 10 of them can explain MKUKUTA (7%) or Vision 2025 (5%)



press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement our-governanceenglishtanzania2013
Capitation grants in primary education

Does the capitation grant reach schools in full and on time? Do teachers and parents know about the grant? Findings from a nationally representative survey



publications research-briefadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchienglishtanzania2013
Uwazi katika Mafuta na Gesi?

Kwanini tunahitaji uwazi katika sekta ya mafuta na Ggesi?


videoadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2013
Not moving!

An unlikely hero, Bibi (grandmother) shows us what to do when malaria medication is sold at the wrong price


Thank you

Bibi steps in again, showing us that event doctors sometimes need a bit of support and appreciation


videoadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2013
First do no harm: Is government minding our health as it devolves

Devolution in other countries has proved challenging when there is a lack of clarity about which level of government is responsible for which services.


publications research-briefadvocacy-and-engagementenglishkenya2013
Wananchi wanajitahidi kutafuta njia mbadala za kujipatia dawa wanazohitaji

Kukosekana kwa dawa kunatajwa kuwa ni moja kati ya matatizo makuu kwenye utoaji huduma bora, ikiwa asilimia 69 ya wahudumu wa vituo vya afya wakilitaja kuwa ndilo tatizo kuu kwao


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2013
Citizens are finding ways to access the medicine they need

Lack of medicine is mentioned as one of three major problems facing the delivery of quality health care by 69% of health facility staff


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2013
Wananchi, redio, mbao za matangazo

Wananchi wanafahamu nini kuhusu watumishi na sera za Serikali, na wanatumia chanzo gani kikuu cha kupata taarifa? Je, Watanzania wengi wanahabarishwa kikamilifu kiasi cha kuweza kuwawajibisha watoa huduma?



publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2013
Citizens, radios, noticeboards

What do citizens know about government personnel and policies, and what is their primary source of information? Are most Tanzanians informed enough to hold service providers to account?



publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2013
Capitation grants in primary schools

2013 capitation grant – more money seems to be getting to schools But most parents do not know what the schools should get.


press-release publicationssauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2013
MPs in Tanzania: Did they perform?

MPs from smaller parties are more active in Parliament.


press-release publicationssauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2013
Mwalimu mzuri

Je mwalimu mzuri ana sifa zipi?


publications research-briefpartner-contentkiswahilitanzania2013
Je, waliwajibika? (presentation)

Wabunge wa CCM walitoa michango mingi zaidi.


presentations publicationssauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2013
Misamaha ya Kodi Tanzania

Tuwachore tu


Uwezo Tanzania 2013: Shule zinashindwa kutoa ujuzi wa msingi

Watoto walioko mijini, katika shule za binafsi na kutoka kaya zenye kipato kikubwa wanafanya vizuri zaidi


press-release publicationspartner-content voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2013
Uwezo Tanzania 2013: Education is failing to deliver basic skills

Children in urban areas, in private schools and from wealthier households outperform their peers


press-release publicationspartner-content voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2013
MPs Dataset

Dataset, Parliamentary Interventions 2010 – 2012


data-resourceadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2013
Uwezo Monitoring Framework

Do Uwezo’s activities impact the communities in which their assessment of learning outcomes is implemented? Do the findings stimulate national debate and public action?


monitoring-brief publicationslearning-and-strategy our-governance partner-contentenglishregional2013
Sauti za Wananchi data release notes

This note outlines the nature of the data release and details which files and documents are provided.


data-resourcesauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2013
Kurasimu Sheria Mama ya Nchi

Wananchi wa kawaida pamoja na wawakilishi wa makundi mbalimbali wamekuwa wakitoa maoni yao kuhusu Rasimu hiyo



publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2013
Watanzania walio wengi hawana habari kuhusu Kodi ya SIM

Wakati mngurumo wa mjadala kuhusu Kodi ya SIM ukiwa unaendelea, Twaweza ilitumia utafiti wake wa Sauti za Wananchi, utafiti unaokusanya takwimu kwa njia ya simu za mkononi, kupima uelewa wa wananchi kuhusu suala hilo na kupata maoni yao.



press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2013
Kodi ya SIM

Jambo la kushangaza lilikuwa, wabunge pamoja na wananchi wa kawaida waliokuwa wakifuatilia hotuba ya bajeti walidai kuwa kodi hiyo, iliyojulikana kama “Kodi ya Kadi ya SIM”, haikujadiliwa Bungeni.


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2013
Most Tanzanians are not aware of the SIM Card Tax

The contraversial SIM Card Tax is not known by many citizens but when it is explained to them, the majority of citizens oppose the tax.



press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2013
SIM Cards: a taxing issue

For the poorest households the SIM card tax is equivalent to a week of airtime spending while for richer households it is an insignificant addition to their airtime costs.


publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2013
Chawote Primary School

Tuwachore tu


Dawa Mseto: Bure au Inauzwa?

Dawa ya mseto: Afya inatokana #Nawewe, #Namimi, #Nisisi


Tunawasaidiaje wahudumu wa Afya?

Afya inatokana #Nawewe, #Namimi, #Nisisi


Annual Report 2012

Twaweza works through partners; each partnership employs a particular approach to enhance access to information and citizen engagement on basic education and other services


publications reportour-governanceenglishregional2012
Hukufuata Maelekezo

Tuwachore tu


Madaktari Vijijini

Tuwachore tu


Wagonjwa dabodabo

Tuwachore tu


Mheshimiwa: Haya maji au maziwa?

Tuwachore tu


Chekapu Ulaya

Tuwachore tu


Kitabu kimoja

Tuwachore tu


Uwezo Tanzania 2012: Dondoo muhimu za utafiti wa kitaifa

Uwezo wa kusoma na kuandika umebaki chini na kwa kiasi kikubwa haujabadilika, ingawa uwezo wao wa hesabu umeonyesha kuboreka kidogo


infographicpartner-content voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2013
Je, Serikali, wahisani, sekta binafsi na wananchi wanaweza kuhakikisha dawa za gharama nafuu?

Kutibu malaria (mapema) kunaweza kuokoa maisha. Lakini je, dawa za kutibu malaria zinapatikana kwa bei iliyo sahihi?



monitoring-brief publicationspartner-contentkiswahilitanzania2013
Can government, private sector and citizens together make medication more available?

Treatment of malaria can save lives. But is malaria medication available at the right price?



monitoring-brief publicationspartner-contentenglishtanzania2013
Amb. Mwapachu’s take on Education

Amb. Mwapachu’s take on Education: Are our children learning?


videoadvocacy-and-engagement voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2013
First you dribble the ball, then you shoot!

Tuwachore tu


Watu maarufu wazibwaga sera

Karibu wananchi wote (97%) wanatambua picha ya Mheshimiwa Rais Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete, ila ni wachache wanaoweza kuelezea kuhusu sera ya MKUKUTA (7%) au Visheni ya Maendeleo ya 2025 (5%).



press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement our-governancekiswahilitanzania2013
MPs from smaller parties are more active in Parliament

MPs from larger parties make less interventions in Parliament.



press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2013
Kiti cha dhahabu

Tuwachore tu


Uwezo East Africa 2013: Are Our Children Learning?

There are large differences in learner achievement among the three East African countries, with Kenya performing better, and Uganda faring worst


publications reportpartner-content voice-and-participationenglishregional2013
Uwezo Regional Monitoring Framework and Plan

Uwezo’s indicators for success


publications reportlearning-and-strategy our-governance partner-contentenglishregional2013
2013 Calendar – Tanzania

Our 2013 calendar to spark the imagination


flyer publicationsadvocacy-and-engagementkiswahilitanzania2013
Uwezo Annual Plan and Budget 2013

Looking forward to the year ahead – Uwezo’s plans for 2013.


publications reportour-governance partner-contentenglishregional2013
Annual Plan 2013

Looking forward to the year ahead – Twaweza’s plans for 2013.


publications reportour-governanceenglishregional2013
Mazingira ya kujifunzia

Je, mazingira bora ya kujifunzia yakoje?


publications research-briefpartner-contentkiswahilitanzania2013
Did they work for us?

Assessing two years of Bunge data 2010-2012


publications research-briefadvocacy-and-engagementenglishtanzania2013
Twaweza Audited Financial Statements 2012

Full transparency on all our income and expenditure in 2012


publications reportour-governanceenglishregional2012
Kitabu kimoja, watasomaje?

Tuwachore tu


Uwezo Tanzania, Regional Office 2012: Reports and Financial Statements

The management is of the opinion that financial statements give a true and fair view of the state of financial affair of the company and of it operating results


publications reportour-governance partner-contentenglishregional2012
Afya bado ni tatizo

Changamoto sekta ya afya


Ni Sisi – Playground

Mabadiliko ni mimi. Ni wewe. Ni sisi


Ni Sisi – Clinic

Collectively they make a difference.


Ni Sisi – Bridge

Ni Sisi ni kampeni mpya inayohamasisha fikra kwamba wananchi wanaweza kujiletea mabadiliko wenyewe, badala ya kusubiri serikali, wanasiasa, wafadhili kuwafanyia kila kitu.


Ni Sisi – Pollution

Ideas travel, we see how others live and make a difference, we wonder ‘if they can do it, why can’t we?


Ni Sisi – Logging

We can wait all day for someone else to take care of the problem, or we can make ourselves part of the solution.


Shule si elimu

Tangu Uhuru, serikali imejitahidi kuongeza idadi ya shule nchini ili kuwawezesha watoto wote kusoma. Mwanzoni ilijikita zaidi ka? ka elimu ya msingi, lakini kuanzia 2006, imeweka msisitizo kwamba kila kata iwe na shule yake ya sekondari.


booklet publicationspartner-contentkiswahilitanzania2012
Ni Sisi – Daladala / Matatu

We learn lessons, we make meaning, we craft tools, we organise, we act.


Twaweza Immersion 2012

Stories from nine villages in Tanzania’s Lake District. Do public funds reach people? Do services work for the poor? Does governance solve problems?


presentations publicationslearning-and-strategyenglishtanzania
Uwezo Uganda 2012: Are Our Children Learning?

Presenting results for the latest Uwezo learning assessment which provides rich data on children’s educaitonal enviornments and outcomes.


publications reportpartner-content voice-and-participationenglishuganda2012
Significant short term success has been achieved in healthcare

Government programmes that have prioritised distribution of bednets to households have achieved substantial success, with 95% of households in Dar es Salaam reporting ownership of at least one net.



press-release publicationssauti-za-wananchienglishtanzania2012
Mixed results in healthcare in Dar es Salaam

Significant short term success has been achieved in healthcare. But long-term improvements in health outcomes still hang in the balance.



press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2012
Dar es Salaam wanaichukuliaje elimu?

Uelewa, maoni na ushiriki wa wazazi waishio Dar es Salaam



publications research-briefadvocacy-and-engagementkiswahilitanzania2012
Bure bora

Afya ya msingi ni msingi wa maisha yetu. Serikali imejitahidi sana kupanua huduma za afya hadi vijijini.


booklet publicationspartner-contentkiswahilitanzania2012
Ushirikishwaji ni ushiriki?

Vijana wanataka na wanatakiwa kushiriki ka? ka ujenzi wa taifa letu. Ta? zo ni kwamba mara nyingi ‘wanashirikishwa’, yaani, mipango hubuniwa na kupangwa na wazee.


booklet publicationspartner-contentkiswahilitanzania2012
Mafanikio ya muda mfupi yamefikiwa katika huduma ya afya

Mpango wa serikali wa kutoa kipaumbele katika usambazaji wa vyandarua kwa kaya umepata mafanikio makubwa.



press-release publicationssauti-za-wananchikiswahilitanzania2012
Wakazi wa Dar es Salaam hawaridhishwi na hali ya utoaji wa huduma, hawana imani na taasisi za umma na hawazielewi vizuri sera

Wakazi wa Dar es Salaam hawaridhishwi na hali ya utoaji wa huduma, hawana imani na taasisi za umma na hawazielewi vizuri sera



press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagementkiswahilitanzania2012

Tuwachore tu: Atafundishaje?


Bila walimu wanafunzi watajifunzaje?

Changamoto sekta ya elimu


Mjadala ndani ya TuwachoreTu

Tuwachore tu


Utafiti mpya unaonyesha ufinyu wa taarifa na ushiriki hafifu katika elimu miongoni mwa wazazi

Kiwango cha taarifa walichonacho wazazi kuhusu sera muhimu za elimu na utekelezaji wake ni cha chini mno



press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagementkiswahilitanzania2012
Dar es Salaam wanachukuliaje utawala?

Maoni ya wakazi kuhusu huduma, sera na viongozi



publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchikiswahilitanzania2012
Mbona hapati nafuu?

Tuwachore tu


Tangu nizaliwe sijawahi kukalia dawati

Tuwachore tu


Piga bei mashangini yote!

Tuwachore tu


Everybody is nothing without teachers

Tuwachore tu


Bajeti pana, bajeti ya mlalahoi!

Tuwachore tu


Maskini na kiti cha dhahabu

Tuwachore tu


Uwezo Tanzania 2012: Data – Are Our Children Learning?

Literacy levels have remained low and largely unchanged, but results for children’s numeracy skills are showing improvement.


infographicpartner-content voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2013
Access to school level information

A survey conducted in 2010 by Twaweza and Datavision, with 429 randomly selected households in Dar es Salaam, revealed that parents know little about education policies and practice.



press-release publicationssauti-za-wananchikiswahilitanzania2012
Afya yafia wapi

Tumezoea kuona kwamba afya ni ukosefu wa magonjwa tu.


booklet publicationspartner-contentkiswahilitanzania2012
Dar parents know little about their children’s education

A new study uncovers lack of information and involvement in education matters among parents.



press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagement sauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2012
What does Dar make of governance?

What do residents of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania’s largest city, make of citizen participation and governance in relation to public service delivery?



publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchienglishtanzania2012
What does Dar make of education?

Parents knowledge, opinion and actions on education in Dar es salaam



publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchienglishtanzania2012
Uwezo Uganda 2012 : Summary Report – Are our children learning?

Most children in lower primary lacked the required competencies in basic literacy and numeracy.


infographicpartner-content voice-and-participationenglishuganda2012
Mimi ni mtumishi wa umma!

Tuwachore tu


Pesa zetu zinavyopotea

Tuwachore tu


Madini yao, mashimo yetu

Tuwachore tu


Tumieni akili zenu

Tuwachore tu


Kodi ya mimba nani alipe?

Hivi karibuni, Mkuu wa Mkoa wa Mbeya aliwaagiza madiwani kutunga sheria ndogo za kuwakamata wanafunzi wa kike wanaopata mimba


booklet publicationspartner-contentkiswahilitanzania2012
Dar ni Sisi

Take a walk through Mburahati, a neighbourhood of Dar es Salaam, with resident Naziru Ndimu.


Hunting for per diem

Payment of per diems and allowances has been a matter of debate in East Africa for quite some time.


Rasilimali mali ya nani?

Uwekezaji unaweza kuchangia sana maendeleo iwapo wawekezaji wanaongeza uzalishaji na kuboresha miundombinu ili kuongeza ? ja na pato la taifa hadi mapato ya kaya, pamoja na kuongeza nafasi za ajira.


booklet publicationspartner-contentkiswahilitanzania2012
Wahitimu wa kutengeneza matumaini

Tuwachore tu


ICTs as a driver for change in East Africa?

Twaweza Head Rakesh Rajani gives examples from Twaweza in exploring ICTs as a key driver for governance in East Africa and Africa as a whole.


LHRC: Mpango wa OGP unufaishe wananchi wote

Mpango wa OGP unufaishe wananchi wote.


Uwezo Kenya 2012: Presentation – Are our Children Learning?

Nationally, only 3 out of 10 children in Class 3 can do Class 2 level work.


presentations publicationspartner-content voice-and-participationenglishkenya2012
Uwezo Kenya 2012: Are Our Children Learning?

The elections are over and there is a new government in Kenya. Will it change anything in education?


publications reportpartner-content voice-and-participationenglishkenya2012
Bohari Kuu ya Madawa (MSD) inawaangusha Watanzania

Mpango wa serikali ya uwazi nchini Tanzania – Bohari kuu ya Madawa.


Umuhimu wa OGP kwa mwananchi wa kawaida

Mpango wa serikali ya uwazi nchini Tanzania – Rajesh Rajani.


Dr. Rwaitama: Lazima wananchi wawe na utayari wa kudai taarifa Serikalini

Mpango wa serikali ya uwazi nchini Tanzania – Dr. Rwaitama.


Sababu za Tanzania kujiunga na OGP – Mh. Chikawe

Mpango wa serikali ya uwazi nchini Tanzania – Mheshimiwa Chikawe.


Ah, hili chata la Manchester United!

Tuwachore tu


Tunawathamini madaktari wetu?

Tuwachore tu


CAG aache kutoa ripoti za ukaguzi?

Tuwachore tu


Nani anakula hela yetu?

Tuwachore tu


Makamba na Zitto wanasemaje kuhusu OGP Tanzania?

Mpango wa serikali ya uwazi nchini Tanzania.


What does Dar make of health?

The 2010 Tanzania Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) shows significant improvements in several key health outcomes



publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchienglishtanzania2012
Wakazi wa Dar wanasemaji kuhusu afya?

Utafiti wa Kidemografia na Afya Tanzania (Tanzania Demographic and Health Survey (DHS)) wa mwaka 2010 unaonyesha uborekaji mkubwa katika mambo kadhaa ya msingi ya afya



publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchikiswahilitanzania2012
Nani atakukomboa 2012 (1)?

Ni kiongozi yupi utamchagua akukomboe?


Nani atakukomboa 2012 (2)?

Je, utachukua hatua leo?


Who will change your world 2012 (1)?

Will you take action today?


Residents of Dar are unsatisfied with service delivery, have little faith in public institutions and are unaware of policies

There are particularly high levels of dissatisfaction with the management of public service delivery. Between 60% and 80% are unhappy with how provision of health services; water; drainage and sewage facilities is handled.



publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchienglishtanzania2012
Twaweza Audited Financial Statements 2011

Full transparency on all our income and expenditure in 2013


publications reportour-governanceenglishtanzania2011
Kuinua ubora wa elimu ya sekondari: Je, fedha zinafika shuleni?

Asilimia 93 ya shule zilizofanyiwa utafiti ziliarifu kwamba hadi kufikia tarehe 31 Januari, 2011 hazikuwa zimepokea fedha za ruzuku.



publications research-briefadvocacy-and-engagementkiswahilitanzania2011
Uwezo Tanzania 2011: Reports and Financial Statements

Management is of the opinion that financial statements give a true and fair state of the financial affairs of the initiative and of the results of its activities


publications reportour-governance partner-contentenglishtanzania2011
Msongamano wa wanafunzi bila vitabu vya kiada vya kutosha

Msongamano wa wanafunzi madarasani ni mkubwa katika shule nyingi, kukiwa na wastani wa wanafunzi 81 katika darasa moja.



publications research-briefadvocacy-and-engagementkiswahilitanzania2011
Ugharimiaji wa elimu ya msingi Dar es Salaam

Walimu wengi hawajui shule zao zinapaswa kupokea kiasi gani cha ruzuku ya elimu



publications research-briefadvocacy-and-engagementkiswahilitanzania2011

A five-minute introductiuction to the East African Twaweza iniitiative.


videoadvocacy-and-engagement our-governanceenglishregional2011
Fedha kwa ajili ya elimu ya msingi zinakwenda wapi?

Matumizi ya serikali kwa mwanafunzi mmoja yameongezeka kwa asilimia 70 tangu kuanzishwa kwa elimu ya msingi bure mwaka 2001.



publications research-briefadvocacy-and-engagementkiswahilitanzania2011
Citizens making stuff happen in East Africa

For the most part, citizens navigate prohibitive environments and processes but find their own ways to get things done


publications research-brieflearning-and-strategyenglishtanzania2011
Matokeo yakipuuzwa, ukaguzi wa nini?

Kuna sababu kadhaa za kufanya ukaguzi. Mojawapo ni kuhakikisha kwamba taarifa za fedha za Mamlaka za Serikali za Mitaa zinaakisi (vema) yale yanayofanyika, na iwapo kanuni zilizowekwa zinazingati wa.



publications research-briefadvocacy-and-engagementkiswahilitanzania2011
If findings are ignored, why audit?

Lessons from five years of local government audits



publications research-briefadvocacy-and-engagementenglishtanzania2011
Uwezo East Africa 2011: Are Our Children Learning?

The Uwezo East Africa Report presents, for the first time, data comparing literacy and numeracy levels across East Africa, based on a survey of over 80,000 households – the largest exercise of its kind.


publications reportpartner-contentenglishregional2011
Climate witness



Wildlife: Lake Manyara



Nani amerudi?

Utendaji katika Bunge na uwezekano wa Wabunge kuchaguliwa kwa mara nyingine



publications research-briefadvocacy-and-engagementkiswahilitanzania2011
Tanzania bila Elimu inawezekana?

Education is the key to life


Shule za Msingi mkoani Dar es Salaam

Kwa wastani wanafunzi 81 wanakaa ndani ya darasa ambalo linatarajiwa kuwa na wanafunzi 40.



publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2011
Shule za msingi za Serikali Dar es Salaam

Matokeo yanaonesha kwamba shule nyingi za Serikali za Dar es Salaam hazina viwanja bora vya michezo na zinakabiliwa na mazingira duni kwa afya.



publications research-briefsauti-za-wananchi voice-and-participationkiswahilitanzania2011
Primary schools in Dar es salaam: Overcrowded and without sufficient text books

With an average class size of 81, classrooms in many schools are overcrowded



publications research-briefadvocacy-and-engagementenglishtanzania2011
Where does the primary education money go?

When the Government introduced free primary education in 2001, enrollment increased from 4.9 million pupils in 2001 to 8.3 million in 2010.



publications research-briefadvocacy-and-engagementenglishtanzania2011
Vyoo vibovu, michezo kidogo

Shule nyingi zinakabiliwa na mazingira yasiyofaa kiafya



publications research-briefadvocacy-and-engagementkiswahilitanzania2011
Improving quality in secondary education

Is the money reaching schools?



publications research-briefadvocacy-and-engagementenglishtanzania2011
Primary schools in Dar es salaam: Poor toilets, little sports

Dar es Salaam is the largest city in the country and the one closest to where policies are made, so it is often assumed that the situation there is generally better than elsewhere.



publications research-briefadvocacy-and-engagementenglishtanzania2011
Funding of Dar es Salaam primary schools: How accessible is school level information?

The findings show that many teachers do not know the amount their school is entitled to receive from Local Government Authorities (LGAs) in capitation grants.



publications research-briefadvocacy-and-engagementenglishtanzania2011
Who returned? Performance in Bunge and MP re-election

The five year term of the 9th Parliament of Tanzania ended on July 16, 2010. To mark this event President Jakaya Kikwete delivered a two hour speech to Members of Parliament (MPs), entitled “We Promise, We Deliver”.



publications research-briefadvocacy-and-engagementenglishtanzania2011
How are our facilities managed?

Primary Health Care facilities (PHC) are the first place of contact for most of the citizens seeking treatment or preventive services in Tanzania. But how efficiently are they run?


publications research-briefadvocacy-and-engagementenglishtanzania2010
Tanzania’s Tax Exemptions

Could it be that tax exemptions are too high for a country that is struggling to collect sufficient resources to finance its budget?



publications research-briefvoice-and-participationenglishtanzania2010
Dar es Salaam Primary Schools: Do parents act to improve child learning?

Do parents in Dar es Salaam act to support their child’s learning process?


publications research-briefadvocacy-and-engagementenglishtanzania2010
What is positive discipline?

What sort of MPs do people prefer?


booklet publicationsadvocacy-and-engagementenglishtanzania2010
Je, watu wanaweza kufuatilia ziliko fedha zao?

Debt watch September 2010



publications research-briefadvocacy-and-engagementkiswahilitanzania2010
Can people follow their money?

A review of budget transparency in East Africa.



presentations publicationsadvocacy-and-engagementenglishtanzania2010
Nani anajali afya zetu je (1)?

Sindano haiwezi kujichanja. Wananchi tuchukue hatua


Nani anajali afya zetu (2)?

Wananchi tukichukua hatua tunaweza kufanya mambo makubwa


Unajali elimu ya mwanao (1)?

Je, walimu wanawajibika? Na je, sisi wananchi tunawajibika?


Unajali elimu ya mwanao (2)?

Wananchi tukiamua, tunaweza kusaidia


Maji yatapatikana tu (1)

Je, ni lazima tusubiri posho na vikao? Hatuwezi kufanya jambo sisi wenyewe?


Maji yatapatikana tu (2)

Wananchi tukichukua hatua tunaweza kufanya mambo


Uwezo Tanzania 2010: Reports and Financial Statements

TENMET management is of the opinion that financial statements give a true and fair state of the financial affairs of the Uwezo initiative


publications reportour-governance partner-contentenglishtanzania2010
Development is miserable, but people are making things happen

Despite years of investment many services still don’t work. But people find their own ways to get what they need


publications research-brieflearning-and-strategyenglishtanzania2010
Vituo vyetu vya afya vinasimamiwaje?

Matokeo ya ukaguzi wa utendaji wa vituo vya afya


publications research-briefadvocacy-and-engagementkiswahilitanzania2010
Government, Donors and MPs challenged to go for results

Government, donors and Members of Parliament have been challenged to make decisions that will enable Tanzanians achieve better results from their tax and donor money.


press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagementenglishtanzania2010
It’s our water too! Bringing greater equity in access to water in Kenya

The National Water Strategy commits to ensuring that all people are covered by the formal water supply system and that poor Kenyans pay tariffs that they can afford


publications research-briefadvocacy-and-engagementenglishkenya2010
Nani akarabati Daraja (2)?

Wananchi tufuatilie maendeleo ya nchi yetu.


Mkulima utalalamika hadi lini (2)?

Acha kulalamika. Chukua hatua.


Machinga waende wapi (2)?

Serikali si mali ya viongozi.


Growth and poverty in Tanzania

Growth in Tanzania: Is it reducing poverty?


publications research-briefadvocacy-and-engagementenglishtanzania2010
Achieving results? Four challenges to Government, MPs and Donors

Government, donors and Members of Parliament have been challenged to make decisions that will enable Tanzanians achieve better results from their tax and donor money



publications research-briefadvocacy-and-engagementenglishtanzania2010
Reforming allowances

Last fiscal year (2008/9) the Government of Tanzania budgeted an impressive Tshs 506 billion ($390 million) for allowances


publications research-briefadvocacy-and-engagementenglishtanzania2010
Do water kiosks comply with official tariffs?

Analysis done by Twaweza suggests that households pay 7 to 10 times more than the official price for water


publications research-briefadvocacy-and-engagementenglishtanzania2010
Water Prices in Dar es salaam

In Dar es Salaam 38% of households get their water from wells or water vendors, while 62% use tap water.



publications research-briefvoice-and-participationenglishtanzania2010
Ruzuku ya wanafunzi kwa ajili ya elimu

Ni lini italeta mabadiliko?


publications research-briefadvocacy-and-engagementkiswahilitanzania2010
Je, Tanzania ikope kibiashara?

Tanzania iko katika nafasi gani?



publications research-briefadvocacy-and-engagementkiswahilitanzania2010
Kiongozi asiyewajibika, tufanyeje?

Mara nyingi tunategemea viongozi kutuletea mabadiliko na maisha bora. Lakini tukiwaachia pekee yao, viongozi watashindwa.


publications research-briefadvocacy-and-engagementkiswahilitanzania2010
Capitation grant for education: When will it make a difference?

The capitation grant for primary education is too little to but a minimum set of books for a pupil, has declined in value by more than 35 percent since it was introduced, and is not administered according to policy.


publications research-briefadvocacy-and-engagementenglishtanzania2010
Will TZS 1.5 trillion be well managed?

Poor transport networks are a huge obstacle to economic growth in Tanzania. To address this, significant money is allocated in the budget to infrastructure development.



publications research-briefadvocacy-and-engagementenglishtanzania2010
Je, shilingi trilioni 1.5 zitasimamiwa vizuri?

Matokeo ya ukaguzi wa kazi za ujenzi wa barabara



publications research-briefadvocacy-and-engagementkiswahilitanzania2010
Ni maji yetu pia!

Mkakati wa taifa wa maji umedhamiria kuhakikisha kwamba watu wote wanafikiwa na mfumo rasmi wa usambazaji wa maji, na masikini wa Kenya wanalipa gharama za maji ambazo wanaweza kumudu.


publications research-briefadvocacy-and-engagementkiswahilikenya2010
Bei ya maji Dar es Salaam

Je, wanaoendesha maghati ya maji wanazingatia bei walizopangiwa?



publications research-briefadvocacy-and-engagementkiswahilitanzania2010
From ‘things happen to me’ to ‘I make things happen’

Development is meant to enable millions of Tanzanians to live a better life


publications research-brieflearning-and-strategyenglishtanzania2010
Capitation Grant

The capitation grant is a dominant feature of the PEDP program, and many resources have been allocated to it: more than 80 billion shillings in 2009/2010 alone.


publications research-briefvoice-and-participationenglishtanzania2010
More Students, Less Money: Findings from the Secondary Education PETS

After dramatically increasing enrollment in primary schooling, the Government of Tanzania is now implementing an ambitious program to expand secondary education.



publications research-briefadvocacy-and-engagementenglishtanzania2010
Do people prefer active MPs?

What sort of MPs do people prefer? Do members of political parties value MPs who have been active in Parliament, who have made vocal contributions and asked critical questions?


publications research-briefadvocacy-and-engagementenglishtanzania2010
Serving the deserving: water and electricity

Water and electricity are the lifeblood of development; hardly any sustainable activity can continue without water. One of the major findings of this survey was the indispensable role of electricity.


publications research-briefpartner-contentenglishtanzania2010
Wanafunzi wengi zaidi, fedha kidogo

Matokeo ya Ufuatiliaji wa Matumizi ya fedha za umma (PETS) kwa elimu ya Sekondari



publications research-briefadvocacy-and-engagementkiswahilitanzania2010
Uwezo Tanzania 2010: Are Our Children Learning?

Presenting results for the latest Uwezo learning assessment which provides rich data on children’s educaitonal enviornments and outcomes.


publications reportpartner-content voice-and-participationenglishtanzania2012
Nani akarabati Daraja (1)?

Wanahoji juu ya wajibu wa mbunge wao katika utatuzi wa kero hii kijijini. Tulimchagua ili atutumikie.


Mkulima utalalamika hadi lini (1)?

Nani atakuokoa? Chukua hatua.


Machinga waende wapi (1)?

Sheria hazitungwi na Mungu. Wananchi tuchukue hatua.


What is a good learning school?

Findings from the performance audit of health facilities


booklet publicationsadvocacy-and-engagementenglishtanzania2010
Connect or disconnect? Communication and infrastructure

The communication revolution throughout the world has been powered by young people transforming their lives and boosting the economy


publications research-briefpartner-contentenglishtanzania2010
Should Tanzania borrow commercially?

How African countries could get themselves out of the mess created by the aid industry: borrow commercially, and take charge of own development



publications research-briefadvocacy-and-engagementenglishtanzania2010
Matarajio yanafikiwa?

Changamoto nne kwa Serikali, Wabunge na Wahisani



publications research-briefadvocacy-and-engagementkiswahilitanzania2010
Malnutrition: Can Tanzania afford to ignore 43,000 dead children and TZS 700 billion in lost income every year?

Can Tanzania aff ord to ignore 43,000 dead children and Tshs 700 billion in lost income every year?



publications research-briefadvocacy-and-engagementenglishtanzania2010
Fighting Malnutrition in Tanzania

Over the past decade over 600,000 children aged below 5 years are estimated to have died as a result of malnutrition in Tanzania


presentations publicationsadvocacy-and-engagementenglishtanzania2010
Utapiamlo: Je, Tanzania inaweza kupuuzia vifo 43,000 vya watoto na upotevu wa Sh bilioni 700 kila mwaka?

Katika muongo (miaka 10) uliopita, zaidi ya watoto 600,000 wenye umri chini ya miaka 5 wanakisiwa kufa kwa kukosa lishe ya kutosha.



publications research-briefadvocacy-and-engagementkiswahilitanzania2010
Misamaha ya kodi Tanzania

Je, ni mikubwa sana na kutufanya tuwe tegemezi kwa misaada?



publications research-briefadvocacy-and-engagementkiswahilitanzania2010
Situation analysis

What works in East Africa? What doesn’t ?


publications research-brieflearning-and-strategyenglishtanzania2010
Healthy bodies, healthy minds: youth and well being

Young people are expected to be healthy. They are in the prime of life and the effects of unhealthy practices, such as smoking and poor eating and drinking habits, have not started to impact on their lives.


publications research-briefpartner-contentenglishtanzania2010
Did they perform? Assessing five years of Bunge 2005-2010

Assessing five years of Bunge 2005-2010 based on how often MPs make comments or ask quesitons



publications research-briefadvocacy-and-engagementenglishtanzania2010
Who is a good teacher?

When enough money doesn’t reach schools on time


booklet publicationsadvocacy-and-engagementenglishtanzania2010
Je, waliwajibika?

Tathmini ya Bunge 2005 – 2010



publications research-briefadvocacy-and-engagementenglishtanzania2010
Youth for change

In working through the findings of the survey, one begins to wonder whether young people are needed at all, except, maybe, as a valuable source of labour to implement decisions made by their elders


publications research-briefpartner-contentenglishtanzania2010
Wabunge wa vyama vidogo wanashiriki zaidi Bungeni

Uchambuzi wa utendaji wa Wabunge umeonyesha kwamba Wabunge wanaotoka katika vyama vidogovidogo na vyenye viti vichache huwa na wastani wa juu zaidi wa ushiriki.



press-release publicationsadvocacy-and-engagementkiswahilitanzania2010
Do they work for us? (Update on the 19th session of Bunge)

For the 2009/10, Parliament was allocated Tshs 62 billion, translating to TZS 194 million per member



publications research-briefadvocacy-and-engagementenglishtanzania2010
Je, wanafanya kazi kwa ajili yetu?

Umuhimu wa Bunge unadhihirishwa na mgawo wa fedha zinazotengwa kwa ajili ya Bunge



publications research-briefadvocacy-and-engagementkiswahilitanzania2010
Broken Promises in Primary Education

The Government of Tanzania is implementing an ambitious program to improve primary schooling.



publications research-briefadvocacy-and-engagementenglishtanzania2010
Ahadi zilizovunjika kwenye elimu ya msingi

Fedha za kutosha zinapokuwa hazifiki shuleni kwa wakati



publications research-briefadvocacy-and-engagementkiswahilitanzania2010
Education: schooling or fooling?

This brief looks particularly at the educational environment and the quality of education our children receive


publications research-briefpartner-contentenglishtanzania2010
Is Less More? Business environment from the bottom up

In 2009, Tanzania’s ranking on the Cost of Doing Business Index declined for the second year in a row.


publications research-briefadvocacy-and-engagementenglishtanzania2009
Fostering an ecosystem of change through citizen agency and public accountability

At the centre of our work is the idea that it is citizens themselves who drive change. This presentation summarises the first Twaweza strategy.


presentations publicationslearning-and-strategyenglishtanzania2009
The great degree goose chase

This presentation critically examines the state of the country’s education system in 2008.


presentations publicationsadvocacy-and-engagementenglishtanzania
Ukaguzi wa shule unaposhindwa kuwa na mafanikio

Dondoo kutoka ukaguzi wa utendaji wa Programu ya Ukaguzi Shule za Sekondari Tanzania


publications research-briefadvocacy-and-engagementkiswahilitanzania2008
How CSOs get it wrong and what we should do instead

Tanzania does not rank high on international business environment indices


presentations publicationslearning-and-strategyenglishtanzania
When school inspection doesn’t deliver

Just how effective is the system established for school inspections in safeguarding quality of instruction in Tanzania?


publications research-briefadvocacy-and-engagementenglishtanzania